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08/21/09 7:37 PM

#7195 RE: wolverine02 #7191

You have a good needs to know list.
If you go long the biggest thing I think one can do is match PR's to what Filings state.

Here is an example why.........

Rays old company received plenty of alleged orders as well as initial orders.
What I found out the hard way is filing after filing never showed those alleged orders. It was a con to sell shares.

Hopefully your product gains REAL acceptance in the US and you see revenues match orders.

Like I said in one my posts a while back share holders should send the utube links that show the product work to shows like 60 minutes, 48 hours, cable shows, your local news stations,
airports, cruise ships, concert venues, conference venues.
I think you get the idea.
All it takes is one avenue to open up in the US which once through the door here, other doors open better.
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08/21/09 8:13 PM

#7203 RE: wolverine02 #7191

wolverine....a PR of a sales order is certainly a big step but
still needs to go under the microscope. Many pennystocks
claim sales that never show up on the P&L as revenue meaning
"guess what?" Once verified by revenue, you can be much more
comfortable that it is off to the races. Be very leery of
PRs on MOUs (memorandum of understanding). A great PR trick
used by scams and it will likely say an agreement to purchase
units subject to conditions (which never get met).

The reason I have been hammering about the revenue from the
supposed 150 units around the world is that for me it is the
litmus test as to the credibility of IDOI. They could be
just loaners or out for test runs for all I know until I see
revenue. The RSMI guys are gun-shy because Ray used every
slimey trick in the books and eventually a PR was a guarantee
that the SP would drop. In pennyland, believe little and
verify much. Good DD is verifying everything that the co.
says is true.


PS Guinness is good for you.