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08/20/09 11:20 AM

#887 RE: Chris1 #886

Sure sounds like BR deserves to be drawn and quartered for reckless mismanagement of a huge opportunity.

May the SEC case proceed quickly and effectively!!


08/20/09 11:28 AM

#888 RE: Chris1 #886

Chris, just like the BS they thru at you on location in PA., you'll seem to believe anything posted on the internet as fact because it has a legit named company attached..
I suggest you verify even one of those claims before touting them as defacto.

Another lesson about the internet is... nobody can police it so it's 99.9999% bull.

GETC is a pink sheet, not a blue chip, why didn't any of those giant big named companies buy this or fund Richcorp with such astounding results with the exotic formula?????????????????????

the crap don't add up and it never did.... Blind faith makes bad investments.