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Old Frank P

07/08/02 2:54 PM

#238 RE: Croesus I #236

Hi Peter... biotech -- all I know is one of the better F/A guys on SI got bullish when the BTK was at 400 (discounting the balance sheet creativity) - figured it was close enuff to the bottom. What I know for sure, is that I move too darn slow to trade with my face squarely in the wind. -- BTK down another 2-1/2% today, so I'd say you're running a little out of step.

Good luck!

Frank P.

Croesus I

07/08/02 3:06 PM

#239 RE: Croesus I #236

Hi Frank,

RW is a great @ FA. I remember he was in GOLDS when everyone else thought GOLD was one of those 4 letter words LOL

Anyway, I might be running against the wind, but I tend to discount FA against TA, mainly cause TA reflects the FA<ggg>

I remember somebody once said (or maybe I read it somewhere), that stocks make the market, not the other way around.
