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08/16/09 9:39 PM

#21594 RE: amarkiii #21593

Haven't posted for quite some time due to constant frustration with this Co and this isn't directed at anyone. Where is their technical knowledge coming from? Have'nt heard from Borris in quite some time. That group of Phd in Russia? For years they talk of doing this and that. Each time the talk the PS pops, they cash in, and then it drops. TR, Penn. now TN. If they had serious technology Penn. should've been the ideal opportunity. On an Indian reservation, no/minmal EPA issues or local politics. I dont' see them putting out Patents of worth, no real work with Universities or getting money from grants, no DOE interest. There's a lot of people out there doing this now with a much stronger support line. Yes, I'm a dissappointed bag holder back from the .50 cent days. Now they throw out a new PR stunt with Hospital workers playing Cheerleader on the back line. Or, were they hired and bussed in? This company needs to show facts, support, patents, bonafide alignments, but most importantly in this field a technical prowess. Which if they had would've got the attention of more important people than they have so far. Instead, a few state polititians in KY. Wow it must have been hard convincing them. Or, was it that Judge who will get new Curtains of it flops. Nothing new here in some time. Money thrown away, with bunch a girls gossiping about their pennies in the rag. Some I'm sure making a bit of money. Now instead of pissing back at me. Go get some good facts that prove this is more than the same BS as the past several years. Where's the CO2 going or its' sequestration benefit route. Who is doing any kind of process development work on the reactor and its feed system, cogen aspects, FT optimization, by-product market development. This is what the serous players are talking about. The money they gave to this Engr co. is a scratch in the bucket for what I've seen elsewhere to make this happen. Sorry for the rant, but I think my point is clear.
