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08/14/09 5:22 PM

#37445 RE: sneaky_peaky #37416

You fail to realize that the inventory of DKAM products is a matter of public record in control states and web accessable in the majority of control states. Futher, you fail to realize that I interviewed LIQR execs on several occasions wherein we discussed DKAM and the volume of operations with them. At that time they were already at a backorder status of more than $250K, and DKAM was well aware of that because there was a PRESS RELEASE ABOUT IT. Next you fail to realze that I have no requirement of any disclosure regarding DKAM because I am no longer a DKAM shareholder, thank goodness.

Last but not least, you fail to realize that your bully tactics of constantly threatening SEC sanctioned attacks against the majority of message board posters whom do not agree that DKAM is the MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR opportunity that you claim it is causes many to take you and your comments far less than seriously.