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08/13/09 12:50 PM

#183166 RE: Algae-2-OOIL #183136

"What would you have done differently"

Simple, and I have stated it before. Go into hibernation until the market caught up with the IP, if the IP was worth anything to begin with.

No point spending/wasting the millions and millions of dollars they have wasted with nothing to show for it.

No point practically turning the company over to YAGI with financing they really didn't need for the very reasons you state.

I would not have yanked out millions of dollars personally while telling shareholders things were great like Chas did.

I would not have bought other companies with guaranteed share price instruments.

It had to be obvious to anyone in the know at the company that there was no clear revenue model at the time they were giving the company to YAGI in return for paychecks to the revolving door of employees who have generated virtually no revenues, for perquisites and world travel, and their personal bank accounts.

As has been pointed out in the past here, Neomedia had a SEDA on hand which could have been used for financings, but they elected to go another route and give the company to YAGI.

I would not have done that because I have ethics and morals.

I like my 'fruit of the poisonous tree' metaphor. It remains to be seen if any of the current apples in charge can land very far from that tree. Oops, mixed another one lol.
