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08/12/09 2:51 PM

#4574 RE: Chance To See #4570

Chance, you are the best!

Thank you so much for the effort you put into this.

Chance To See

09/03/09 3:13 PM

#5019 RE: Chance To See #4570

IR Conversation, Q3 and Q4 Revenue

In the cc Opening Remarks, Kevin talked about the Quiz Cards but only in relation to FMM-The Moscoe Group. He said that sales through them are not expected until 2010. He did not speak of the Quiz Cards in relation to Q3 and Q4.

When a question was asked about where the jump in revenues in Q3 and Q4 was going to come from, Lee answered by saying “Quiz Cards” with no elaboration. (Remember this is not a small amount of money. They need about $5 million more in revenue in 2H09 beyond the $12 million annual revenue trajectory they are on with the promotions business.)

According to IR, it’s important to understand that Kevin was asked to focus on 2010 and beyond (and to go after larger, enterprise-size, customers). That means 2009 is still Lee’s baby and it is essentially his responsibility to make 2009 numbers. So apparently there are some Q3 and Q4 Quiz Cards deals that were struck by Lee, mostly in Europe and the UK.

1. This helps to explain why Lee is still so active on the conference calls.
2. It may also explain, to some degree at least, why Kevin did not give details on Q3 and Q4 Quiz Card orders.
3. It does not explain, of course, why Lee didn’t give any details.

Anyway I’m still a bit confused, but Yvonne as always was able to shed some light on the subject, so I'm passing it on.