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09/03/09 4:57 PM

#5022 RE: Chance To See #5019

Thanks....I listened to the CC again today and picked up from it this time that I may have missed (or forgot) last time was that the "household names" are royalty deals, implying that the revenue from them won't be huge nessarily but the profit will be 100%. If they can nail say a $3 million royalty deal, that should give us an extra +.05 EPS for next year.


09/03/09 5:38 PM

#5023 RE: Chance To See #5019

Chance, thanks for the comments on I/R conversation.

"...It may also explain, to some degree at least, why Kevin did not give details on Q3 and Q4 Quiz Card orders."

Seems odd to me that Donovan doesn't have total understanding, let alone total responsibility for making 2009 numbers (especially when it involves an all-important $5 million ramp in the back half of 09). Donovan was hired in December 2008, and came on board as CEO on Februuary 1, 2009. The I/R explanation for Donovan's lack of hands-on participation as it regards our 2009 performance is infuriating. Is he CEO, or is he not?

How would you like to hire a new doctor in hopes of receiving better medical attention, and instead he tells you to go back and talk to your old doctor about your existing conditions. Now, I know Donovan isn't a doctor, but you'd think he'd be able to hold two fiscal years in his head at the same time, like every other CEO.

"...According to IR, it’s important to understand that Kevin was asked to focus on 2010 and beyond (and to go after larger, enterprise-size, customers). That means 2009 is still Lee’s baby and it is essentially his responsibility to make 2009 numbers."


09/04/09 6:55 AM

#5030 RE: Chance To See #5019

FYI, on this subject, I am 95% sure that at some point in the CC Lee specifically spoke of a significant order being shipped out in Q3, which was why they were comfortable with the increased revenue requirements to meet the 2009 targets.