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07/07/02 12:05 PM

#4566 RE: 34Simmons #4565

I think that's a decent idea, 34Simmons.

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07/07/02 1:21 PM

#4569 RE: 34Simmons #4565

34Simmons, Tom Cooper's speech is titled, "Delivering on the Promise". Hopefully, the speech will reveal some "facts" about the progress of our investment. I hope Mr. Cooper realizes that long-time investors aren't interested in glowing promises of great things to come but actual "facts". You think he'll deliver?

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07/07/02 2:53 PM

#4571 RE: 34Simmons #4565

34S, somewhat along the same lines as your proposal controlling insider selling, but taking a different tack, I've written to JH (on Friday, 7/5), suggesting that mgmt consider hiring an Ethicist full-time so as to be proactive in an area in which most
corporations are sadly lacking. Apart from filling
a post now regarded as increasingly essential (imo, given the current state of corporate affairs), it will disseminate an aura of responsibility and gravitas re our fledgling organization. It might even help inoculate us against potential slanderous attacks by shorters (as we grow) and others who might target us. (cf excel's post today).
IN a recent interview on the Lehrer NEWS Hour (PBS
stations), A Columbia University (teaching) ethicist
opined that ethicists are generally not being currently employed by corporations. While I consider
our current mgmt to be ethical, I believe it
would be the responsible and singular action to take were NVEI to add such a position to our mgmt team.
I also mentioned to John the possibility of our advising those who read NVC's self-description, at the end of each PR, of our having a corporate
ethicist (his/her roles and responsibilities available upon request).If you've got it, flaunt it!
I will advise the board of JH's reply.

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07/07/02 3:50 PM

#4572 RE: 34Simmons #4565

34 - that's a VERY valid idea you have. for years the management of NVEI have asked us to support them with our financial resources. and for the past few years many of us have indeed done just that. we have effectively " put our money where our mouth is " in support of management.

after all of the support we have given the management of NVEI to ask them to return that type of commitment and dedication to those that have helped get them this far is a mere pittance in the whole scheme of things.

i both applaud and fully support your efforts.

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07/07/02 9:02 PM

#4575 RE: 34Simmons #4565

Can we say fallen of our rocker

I'm really starting to doubt some of the longs' ability to judge reality. That list is growing every day ie excel, hitimer, now add 34simmons.

"These Are Powerful Words! The President and Congressional Leaders should be contacted and provide copies of this Press Release.

Who knows - they might just pick up on this and hold NVEI up as the New Example of Corporate Commitment and Leadership!"

34Simmons- you seriously think congress would single out nvei as an example of honesty and integrity? I'm really starting to wonder about some of you longs. Why would congress make an example for honesty out of an over the counter company with no product or revenues? With muliple name and symbol changes. with no product or revenues. With highly paid execs who do nothing. A company with ties to mysterious Bahaman investors. Continental Capitol, lily beter, howell mis-information..etc.etc...HA ha ha ha!!! That is the most unrational, silly idea I think I've ever seen posted by one of the longs in regards to nvei. I'm sorry. You actually think that could even happen?
bwaaaa haaa haaa ha! Some of the longs have really lost it.

I don't have a crystal ball here, so who knows maybe nvei will turn out despite all the alarm bells going off in my head. I used to own stock in nvei but sold out a few weeks ago. Good luck to you longs, many of you are too attached to this stock to make a rational decision here and that's a shame.

But I know one thing- Warren Buffet probably wouldn't invest in nvei. If you want a company with the kind of prospects that we thought nvei had check out mvis. sorry, shameful plug there.

thanks for the laugh 34 simmons


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07/08/02 11:11 AM

#4587 RE: 34Simmons #4565

34Simmons, good idea. Are you planning on presenting it to management?

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07/08/02 3:14 PM

#4591 RE: 34Simmons #4565

34Simmons, I am in total agreement. I usually just hang out and read this board but I just HAD TO put in my 2-cents and post my support of your idea.

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07/08/02 4:55 PM

#4593 RE: 34Simmons #4565

34--my buy order would be "instamatic" if your idea ever came to pass. Be well.