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09/10/04 7:52 PM

#52706 RE: Doma #52704

ST's TPM solution will be completed with a dedicated management tool enabling an easy and trouble-free set up and configuration of the TPM. The package offers PC manufacturers a complete solution for implementing TCG security in their products.

Through dedicated partnerships ST will also provide additional software modules covering complementary software layers, fully compliant with the TCG Software Stack (TSS) specification. The TSS specification -- released by the TCG in September 2003 -- defines a standard software interface for accessing TPM functions to facilitate application development and interoperability across platforms. This interoperability is provided through a TCG-Enabled CSP (Cryptographic Service Provider) being compliant with either PKCS#11 (Public-Key Cryptography Standards) standard(1) or the MS CAPI (Microsoft's crypto API) specification.,2263,{9D687F7F-9A58-42D1-8E63-F15B18BA56EE},00.html