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09/10/04 12:11 AM

#94026 RE: bluediamonds #93808

Multiple rigs... 700 feet in kimberlite and we stop?

by JJSeabrook

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Multiple rigs..700 feet in kimberlite and we stop?
« Thread started on: Today at 6:38pm »


UCAD and CIM are supposed to be there. Wonder if we're trying to buy more rigs than Dr. D. saw on his flyover of our site? He saw more than one rig drilling up there, according to that post. I'm not sure the dinky rig we have seen on the site is big enough to handle more than a 2 1/2 inch drill stem. I was actually surprised in the PR back in march that they had been given the go ahead to drill to 2,000 feet, which they didn't, with that little rig. I guess it might be able to do it, but I can't see bulk sampling with a larger pipe with what we currently have (that we know about). I am hoping we are going to be drilling like crazy and by the time we get the PR on the drilling, we may find out that we have several rigs running up at the Oreo and that there have already been numerous holes poked at that site.

Think about this...We drilled to 700 feet and were still in kimberlite, from what I heard. Why would we possibly want to stop drilling with our little rig? If you're drilling in kimberlite, wouldn't you want to know how deep it ran? Are you directly in the kimberlite pipe? Supposing more than 1 rig is running up there, maybe the other rig already found the pipe?

Dr. Ds post just hit home with me that there were multiple rigs drilling....DUH. If you're still drilling in kimberlite, you do not stop unless you have drilled deep enough to believe you have hit the pipe dead center. I think the ceasing of the drilling at 700 feet, assuming we were still in kimberlite, speaks chapters to me on the Oreo site....I just can't decode it.

There's something wrong, or VERY RIGHT, with this picture. Was it that we stopped drilling at 700 feet was enough on the supposedly first hole drilled at the Oreo enough to tell us that we had the goods without drilling until we ran out of kimberlite? No way. If Dr. D. is right, and other rigs were also drilling up there (which may have been ahead of the driling that our rig was doing), the Mother Lode of Diamonds, or the "IUM" stuff, was not even found by the CMKX rig. They have already found what they wanted, and didn't even need to finish finding out the depth of the kimberlite Our rig was drilling in.

This post is based solely on speculation, and info that I have from Dr. D. with regard to other rigs drilling on our site. It's also based on Melvin saying we ceased drilling at 700 feet and still in kimberlite. It is also based upon my memory. Where are the links to the Melvin on PalTalk drilling report and Dr. D's fly by at the site....I don't have them right now, and not time to look for them. I hope someone will help me out with the links. If not, I'll post them tomorrow once I have found them again. They're on our past posts, and hopefully someone saved them in a favorite place thing. I HATE posting without the links to back me up, but just don't have time to find them right now...sorry.



Dr. Diamond's "3-4 rigs on CMKX claims, seen during recent fly-over" post is at: (see the third and fourth posts in this thread)