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07/21/09 4:55 PM

#59415 RE: jim6103 #59413

Nice one, Jim~

Max Power

07/21/09 4:59 PM

#59418 RE: jim6103 #59413

AWESOME POST JIM>>>Very powerful stuff! if that scernario works out then we will go ballistic!


07/21/09 5:09 PM

#59419 RE: jim6103 #59413

That would be a blockbuster. My unknown expectations of the stock price are exactly we don't know the scope of what it will tell us. Say your numbers are correct 2 bill or or 20 billion are two very different things.

Whioe we know what is there and it eventually will come out if a major amount is included in this initial report the PPS reaction could be quite large as opposed to the PPS reaction of 2 billion. Also once you announce say 20 billion and thre is scope to find easily double plus that it really changes the picture from a company that may have say 50 billion or more of Niobium proven with in 6 months as opposed too say three years.

You fells have some some great DD. I am highly impressed with the crew here. Hope we can find some new gems to buy up with all the cash we make in SRSR.


07/21/09 5:11 PM

#59420 RE: jim6103 #59413

Wow Jim. That is truly remarkable!


07/21/09 5:11 PM

#59421 RE: jim6103 #59413

Great work Jim. OntaREEo, would you like to chime in on how that would affect your projected share price?


07/21/09 5:15 PM

#59425 RE: jim6103 #59413

Great post. I think you are on to something with your SE zone thoughts and Sarissa using the prior work of Musto to document it as an inferred resource.

If this insight proves, and I think it just might, would $1/share be out of the question with the NI report alone? With SE zone included as inferred, if we got 10% of indicated and 2% of inferred, then we'd be there.

Then, we get another NI report from SE drilling to take that from inferred to indicated.

This is nothing short of amazing!


07/21/09 5:27 PM

#59428 RE: jim6103 #59413

resume of your post Jim: we are still totally undervalued!!!!


07/21/09 5:37 PM

#59435 RE: jim6103 #59413

So maybe 98 million tonnes @ .35% from SE Zone.

What are you tonnages and % Nb of indicated and inferred for Zone D?

How much do you think they have expanded Zone D?

I have always thought that was a possiblilty. If that happens we should see a huge run past .50

Also means Phase 2 will be that much easier. Scott has said he thinks maybe 170 million tonnes in SE Zone, so all he needs to do it drill for another 70 million calculation.


07/21/09 5:48 PM

#59438 RE: jim6103 #59413

Facinating Jim,
What I find it especially interesting besides the distinct possibility of available cores for the SE Zone that not 1,2or 3, but 4 sets of eye's have evaluated this resource.
1 Gulf Dominion
2 Musto
3 Sarissa - Alan
4 Our compliance report Qualified Geo.
That my friend is HUGE.
I think your spot on with your interpretation of companies intentions outlined in their PR's and if the 9 holes do in fact cover the entire D resource and expand it I think it goes w/o saying that volumes whether inferred or indicated will exceed all we have hope for in the same fashion as every other move Scott and Company have made..Good Work Brother


07/21/09 6:17 PM

#59450 RE: jim6103 #59413

that's huge Jim.. If that's how things work out, it'll blow the socks off a lot of people.

nice work~


07/21/09 6:48 PM

#59458 RE: jim6103 #59413

Jim6103, I am ecstatic on this find, Great post, just another notch on the ole Pistol Handle. Lol.

JUST 10-11-12

07/21/09 9:07 PM

#59534 RE: jim6103 #59413

you know, this will be a gigantic boost to
the economy of this area(Ontario)and Canada. Any feedback
as to the government's role, perhaps, contributions?

or is this going to be strictly a private enterprise
separate from government intervention.

heck, I might email or call the staff and see if they
are in communications with Minister(s) of Canada?

for instance, the citizens of Alaska benefit greatly from
their oil revenues.

just curious.



07/21/09 10:06 PM

#59550 RE: jim6103 #59413

You know what also would be just icing on the cake? that during this second phase of drilling they discover that the D Zone & SE Zone are actually connected. I know, I may be dreaming , but its my dream. LOL


07/21/09 11:04 PM

#59567 RE: jim6103 #59413

jim...incredible post, Thank you for sharing new DD and reposting thee old!


07/24/09 3:18 PM

#61608 RE: jim6103 #59413