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09/03/04 12:58 PM

#52319 RE: SPIN #52318

SPIN- re: Puerto Rico, what I heard that no one in PR got sick during the trial, so they had to scrap the whole thing. Just Wave's luck.


09/03/04 1:16 PM

#52320 RE: SPIN #52318

SPIN...Failed Product Launch History...

While I agree that our history of attempted product launch via HAUP boards, ENVOY, MyPublish, GreatStuff,, French banking & NEC trials looks dismal...

I don't think they quite compare to what's going on between WAVX and those "other" companies...

Oh yea, they include...IBM, INTC, NSM and MSFT !


09/03/04 1:33 PM

#52321 RE: SPIN #52318


How many of today's giants do you think had to undergo multiple failed demo's before striking it big? How much tweaking did they have to do? How many faces did they have to get in front of over-and over again before some of them said "hey! this adds value and we can sell it..."?? NSM, IBM, Intel, and how many countless others we're not certain 100%about (MS, AMD, ASUS, ARM, etc...)? Why is Wave still runnning with the big dogs?

Granted, there are tidbits of rationale in a small portion of what you say, the rest...well... it has a name.

Can't argue the above.

NSM, Intel, IBM, or bust. Curtain call is upon is. What will it be?


09/03/04 6:21 PM

#52328 RE: SPIN #52318

SPIN/Failed Launches

I think you are shooting fish in the wrong barrel. It was evident to many of us at the time that most of the items on your list were never going to amount to anything. You forgot to add Kiss Nordic and Lego. I still vividly remember arguing with one of the more irrepressible Wavoid boosters who is still here about the dubious prospects for MyPublish.

Having said this, there were some very promising Wave initiatives that ended up going nowhere. In addition to NEC and Puerto Rico, I would add EDS and the Israeli military. Unlike obvious turkeys like MyPublish and ENVOY, these launches all has very real potential as proof of concept and a springboard to further deployment. They may have failed in part because of mistakes by Wave and its partners. But I think they mostly failed because the timetable for introduction of Trusted Computing turned out to be slower and more incremental than most knowledgeable observors anticipated.

But Trusted Computing is coming, and all the naysayers you can find will not be able to ultimately contradict the obvious value it brings with it. There was a point along the way when Wave might have been marginalized, when Microsoft made decisions which effectively assured that OEMs would select less capable TPMs instead of Embassy. But Wave managed to leverage its knowledge and expertise into a meaningful niche in the TPM ecosystem. Now the main thing that remains unknown is whether Wave can translate its first mover status into meaningful revenues before competition appears.