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07/15/09 12:14 PM

#79659 RE: F6 #79656

Thank YOU for putting all the facts, with the links, together in one post for us .. makes it so easy for all to reference ....

It takes time to do the type of posting that you do ... again .. . thank you - I appreciate it and keep them all for quick references ..............


07/28/09 2:05 PM

#80026 RE: F6 #79656

Can 100,000 Anti-Obama New World Order Conspiracy Videos Be Wrong ?

Stephanie -- there are plenty of us beyond just abortion doctors they'd like, would feel justified by their 'faith', to kill -- that evidently eternal conflict, our devil of belligerently ignorant fundamentalism ceaselessly out to murder our better angel of enlightened rationality, endures -- that devil, as purely evil as ever, stirring, emergent, yet again -- right here, right now

a couple of things -- much out there:

this is 'one' of those - "out there"....


04/01/10 10:19 PM

#95726 RE: F6 #79656

Abortion Doctor's Killer Gets Forum, Life Sentence

Kan. abortion doctor's killer gets forum, life in prison with no possible parole for 50 years ( he's 52 )

WICHITA, Kan. — Defiant to the end, an anti-abortion zealot who murdered one of the few U.S. doctors who performed late-term abortions was sentenced Thursday to life in prison and won't be eligible for parole for 50 years — the maximum allowed by law.

Scott Roeder, 52, faced a mandatory life prison term for gunning down Dr. George Tiller in the back of Tiller's Wichita church last May. He showed no remorse during the daylong sentencing hearing and sought to justify his crime by describing abortion procedures in gritty and graphic detail.

"I stopped him so he could not dismember another innocent baby," Roeder said. "Wichita is a far safer place for unborn babies without George Tiller."

Sedgwick County District Judge Warren Wilbert had the choice to make Roeder eligible for parole after 25 or 50 years, but said he gave him the harsher sentence because evidence showed Roeder stalked Tiller before killing him. As he was being led away in handcuffs, Roeder shouted, "Blood of babies on your hands."

Wilbert also sentenced Roeder to serve an additional year in prison on each of two counts of aggravated assault for threatening two church ushers in the melee. Allowing for possible time off those sentences for good behavior, Roeder won't be eligible for parole for 51 years and eight months.

In a rambling statement, Roeder — who at trial testified that he killed Tiller to save unborn children — blamed Tiller's death primarily on the state for not outlawing abortion. He interrupted Wilbert several times as the judge discussed the sentence from the bench. As Wilbert read from a previous court decision saying that allowing vigilantism would promote chaos, Roeder said, "Baby murder is anarchy and chaos."

Forty minutes into his remarks, Wilbert stopped Roeder as he was about to publicly attack District Attorney Nola Foulston.

"It is not a forum for you to get on a soap box for you to give your entire political beliefs," Wilbert told Roeder.

Roeder accused Wilbert of "duplicity" and said his trial was a miscarriage of justice because he wasn't allowed to present testimony about the evils of abortion. He also said God's judgment against the U.S. will "sweep over this land like a prairie wind."

"He will avenge every drop of innocent blood," Roeder said.

Earlier Thursday, Lee Thompson, who was Tiller's friend and attorney and represents the Tiller family, asked Wilbert to give Roeder the harshest sentence possible, saying anything less would encourage other anti-abortion fanatics to follow in Roeder's footsteps.

"It will happen again and again," Thompson said. "This is domestic terrorism. This act will be repeated by this person if he ever sees the light of day again."

Thompson described Tiller as a devoted husband, father and grandfather and a strong believer in women's rights. He said his office still receives calls from women seeking medical services. As he spoke, Tiller's widow Jeanne cried. Roeder at times looked away, yawned and took a drink of water.

"The impact of his death on women throughout the world is like an earthquake," Thompson said. "They ask, where can I go? What will I do?' I have to say, 'I'm sorry, I can't tell you.' That's the impact of this crime."

Foulston argued that the longer sentence was warranted because Roeder stalked Tiller for years. Roeder testified in January that he had previously taken a gun into the doctor's church and had checked out the gated subdivision where Tiller lived and the clinic where he practiced.

Foulston also told the court that Roeder put others at the church in danger when he shot the doctor and when others chased him afterward. In delivering his sentence, Wilbert said that the choice of venue for the killing, a church, made it even more heinous.

Security was tight for the hearing. Law enforcement officers had explosive-detecting dogs sniffing reporters' equipment before the hearing. Four Sedgwick County sheriff's deputies were on duty outside the courtroom Thursday, along with several agents from both the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


05/12/10 11:13 PM

#98652 RE: F6 #79656

[Republican] Candidate declares 'opening day' for hunting liberals

Posted By: Aileen Yoo | May 12 2010 at 09:46 AM

A Republican candidate for the 11th Congressional District [ ] apologized for his comment about hunting liberals that he posted on his Facebook page [ ].

Lodi grape grower Brad Goehring [ ], who wants to unseat Democratic incumbent Jerry McNerney of Pleasanton, posted this on his Facebook page:

"If I could issue hunting permits, I would officially declare today opening day for liberals. The season would extend through November 2 and have no limits on how many taken as we desperately need to 'thin' the herd."

And it appears the hunting metaphor didn't go over so well, even with Republicans [ ], according to people interviewed by KTVU.

Campaign spokesperson Carl Fogliani said [ ], "People are trying to make an issue out of nothing." But later, Goehring posted this apology on Facebook, blaming the message on bad reflexes:

"I intended to include the wording 'we would use votes and not bullets' (but) hit the share button by accident before I finished and decided to leave it, thinking it would not be taken in a literal sense. I'm sorry if I confused anyone."

Both posts have been deleted.

Read more from the Tracy Press [ ].

© 2010 Hearst Communications Inc. [with comments]


Congressional Candidate’s Daydream About Killing Liberals Was Just an Elaborate Metaphor


By: Dan Amira
5/12/10 at 1:55 PM

"If I could issue hunting permits, I would officially declare today opening day for liberals. The season would extend through November 2 and have no limits on how many taken as we desperately need to 'thin' the herd."

That was Brad Goehring, a candidate for Congress in California, on his Facebook page earlier this week. It was just a "metaphor," his campaign says. For what, exactly? Honestly, we would love to hear what hunting permits, hunting season, and herd-thinning stand for in this metaphor. Goehring has since taken the remark down, but the memory of its existence will live on through the comments now being left on his wall by angry liberals. Enjoy:

Aram Nathan Sohigian
Nice family values from the party of hate and no. Well done. The people know who you are and what you stand for: hate, ignorance and murder. Hope your mom is proud of you. I doubt it.

Dave Abston
Hey, asswipe - FUCK YOU.

Fred Dixon
Come get me tough guy.

Larry Equality Glinzman
PS. Is Jim Hittler your campaign manager? How bout old Martin Bohrman? Still your campaign finance chair?

Jeremy Sawatsky
Hey Brad, I'm a liberal, in Fresno. I'm here, bring it on.

Zeb Norris
Fuck you asshole. I'm a liberal, and I'm pleased to report that the 2nd ammendment applies to me too. So come after me see what you get... scumwad.

Daniel James

California GOP Candidate Wants To ‘Issue Hunting Permits’ For Conservatives To ‘Thin’ The Liberal ‘Herd’ [Think Progress ( )]

Copyright © 2010, New York Media LLC (emphasis in original) [with comments]


02/05/12 8:40 PM

#167053 RE: F6 #79656

updating the post to which this is a reply -- here's that Liberal Hunting Sticker via the linked :