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04/01/10 10:53 PM

#95731 RE: StephanieVanbryce #95726

God will avenge .. sheeeez, some disconnect from .. who put him inside? ..
they really think that God condones murder and hates abortion .. nutcases ..


10/16/11 1:48 AM

#156748 RE: StephanieVanbryce #95726

Justice Served: Kansas Panel Recommends DA Phil Kline's License to Practice Be Suspended Indefinitely

by Kari Ann Rinker, National Organization for Women (NOW), Kansas
October 14, 2011 - 7:49am

This article was updated at 12:29 pm on Friday, October 14th, 2011 to correct the facts: a Kansas disciplinary panel has recommended Kline's license for suspension. The Kansas Supreme Court makes the final decision on this matter.

Phill Kline’s license to practice law within the state of Kansas has been recommended for indefinite suspension by a Kansas disciplinary panel [ ]. They found Kline’s behavior to be “dishonest and selfish”. I call it downright despicable.

Speaking on behalf of Kansas pro-choice women, I say THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS! I have high hopes for the Kansas Supreme Court.

Phill Kline has been the large, annoying, festering thorn in the side of Kansas women since 2003, when he was elected as Kansas Attorney General [ ]. He made his political career cheered on and funded by, his anti-abortion cronies. Even today, he remains their hero. I’m not just referring to the far right wingy-wing nut fringes. I’m referring to politicians that are still in the statehouse today and jump at any opportunity to defend and in fact, exalt the praises of their “pro-life” poster boy [ ].

March 10, 2011 Topeka Capitol Journal- Three dozen House and Senate Republicans stood shoulder-to-shoulder Thursday to lambaste the "unholy alliance" subverting justice in the ethics case against former Attorney General Phill Kline. In a show of force outside the House floor, Rep. Steve Brunk, R-Bel Aire, and colleagues denounced the pending Kline case, the tolerance of child sexual abuse by some Kansas politicians and bias by the Kansas Supreme Court in favor of abortion providers.

They still pine for the good ol’ days when women’s medical records were poured over by Kline, with the culminating moment being when they were discussed on the Bill O’Reilly show. (Here Bill O., runs to Kline’s defense on this February edition of The Factor [
). Bill and Phill had this friendship, they commiserated together about “Tiller the Killer” (their deadly pet name for Dr. George Tiller) and discussed the private medical records of women who had sought abortion care at the medical clinic of the now murdered abortion Dr. George Tiller.

Phill Kline used his office to propel and enable his personal rabid hatred for the physician that was ultimately murdered by someone so upset by Kline’s inability to put Dr. Tiller out of business for good, that he took matters into his own hands. Phill Kline was a hero not only to his pals in the Kansas legislature, but to the murderer Scott Roeder [ ].

The board found that Kline “repeatedly violated many of the Kansas Rules of Professional Conduct, including the most serious of the rules, the rules that prohibit engaging in false or dishonest conduct…Further, (Kline) caused potential injury to the public.” But Phill attempts to set the record straight for us in his personally released statement to the public...

“I upheld my duty, upheld my oath of office and the integrity of my profession.

The panel did what they were instructed to do. This is the latest chapter of a Sebelius appointed court covering up for a Sebelius political benefactor in order to protect the flow of hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer dollars. The Sebelius court joined Planned Parenthood to file this complaint, appointed the prosecutor, appointed the panel and will make the final decision. Our Constitution was created to end such conduct. The ethics process is being used to punish political opponents.”

While Kline laments the ruling, the women of Kansas rejoice! This chapter of the seemingly never-ending saga of Phil Kline will shortly be put to rest. Mr. Kline can stay put at his job teaching all of the far right wingy-wing nuts that inhabit the Liberty University School of Law, founded by Jerry Falwell where he teaches some version of higher learning hatred for women and hopefully, never grace the state of Kansas again. We have enough to deal with these days as it is without his black cloud adding to our anti-woman storm that already exists under Governor Brownback’s regime. Don’t let the door hit you in the kiester on the way out Mr. Kline, cause you won’t be able to seek damages in a Kansas court anytime soon.

Copyright 2011 RH Reality Check [with comments]


Bill O'Reilly's Pro-Life Pal, Phil Kline, Could Have Law License Suspended

Reported by Priscilla - October 14, 2011

Back in February, Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly were outraged [ ] about how a KA disciplinary panel was investigating whether form KA Attorney General, Phil Kline committed professional misconduct in his crusade against the murdered abortion doctor George Tiller. Kline was assisted in his crusade against Tiller by Bill O'Reilly whose personal crusade (or is it jihad?) against Tiller contributed to a climate of hate in which Tiller was assassinated by one of O'Reilly's fellow Christian pro-lifers. Bill, who "fights for the rights of the unborn [ ]" (women who have abortions and those who support them, like columnist Joan Walsh [ ], not so much), was subsequently presented with a "Courage Award [ ]," from the Christian hate group "Family Research Council, for his ongoing attacks on Tiller whom O'Reilly referred to as a "baby killer." Yesterday, the KA disciplinary panel recommended that Kline have his law license suspended [ ] indefinitely for the "selfish and dishonest way" with which he obsessively pursued abortion clinics. It was found that this "dishonest conduct" caused "potential injury to the public." We know that at least one man was fatally injured by the hatred stirred up by Kline who was validated in this "dishonest conduct" by the "fair & balanced" O'Reilly who is mentioned in the report.

His O'Reilly appearance was cited in the report. Despite having been warned not to speak about the case, his comments were found to not have a "legitimate law enforcement purpose." Moreover, it was concluded that his comments increased the possibility of increasing the public contempt for Tiller which was borne out by the sad reality of Tiller's execution by a man whose zealotry matched that of Bill O'Reilly. Kline found a soul mate in O'Reilly whose concern about Tiller and the law was contradicted by Bill's having access (according to Bill himself) to confidential medical records of abortion patients. But he and Kline were able to commiserate about the "baby killer" and in so doing stir up more hatred.

The final decision on Kline's license will be made by the Kansas Supreme Court. Meanwhile, women's reproductive justice has been served. Unfortunately, in addition to truth, there was another casualty - a human one. But it was part of Bill O'Reilly's day's work in "fighting for rights of the unborn."

Copyright 2011 News Hounds [with comments]


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