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07/10/09 7:56 PM

#170369 RE: TopShelf #170358


criteria vary but uaually has to produce at a sustained predicable stabilized level for a period of time. i.e. one year it ia area and subsurface sensitive and there are industry and professional standards plus accounting rules before the well moves to proved status.

anyhow, you get the idea
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07/14/09 8:53 AM

#170554 RE: TopShelf #170358

Topshelf, Generally after 3 to 4 delineation wells have been drilled the Production company can state with some certanity a proven number (usually conservative) as the field is further developed these numbers change.

In my opinion it will be interesting to see where these companies drill. The Geophysicists have a good idea of where they should drill to confirm the most pay, but by drilling on the peripheral of the formation they can get a good idea of what could be there and not have to go public with a huge find. Does OBO-1 ring a bell.

Obviously as holders of ERHE, we would like to see them drill right in the dead top of KINA and come back with fantastic numbers. That may not happen, but either way ERHC will have access to the data and should be able to confirm for us that the well was off-center and maybe give us a limited understanding of the potential in The reservoir.

The game gets tricky here and we have to be smart and not over-react to any info (good or bad).