Same crap balak used to pull... pay a tout website to look like it's presenting some sort of hot stock. That explains the buying,today. Down 3.45 % on 353,000 shares... No one's falling for it any more than they used to.
Don't forget to read this part of the disclaimer while listening to BJW stumble through this. for those of you who want the short version..
"we paid them to do this and make it look like it's new. They have the right to sell the stock when they want."
PS: I ESPECIALLY like the last sentence in the disclaimer... unlike some people, I ain't making this up..
The company has purchased from Wall Street Reporter Magazine, Inc. and or its affiliates, for our financial media program which usually includes the following: re-publication of this interview/article in Wall Street Reporter Magazine, hardcopy reprints of interview, server hosting of audio content, and related graphics/programming services on, and other media services. If payment has been issued in shares of stock of the Company so retaining the services, Wall Street Reporter Magazine will liquidate said stock when they deem it appropriate to do so. Such liquidation may have a negative impact on the securities of the Company so being sold../i]