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07/09/09 4:16 PM

#133187 RE: crashman #133180

where do you get your numbers of dicon having half the revenue?

oh and note dicon is owned by spng so it doesn't matter who's revenue is who's any longer...
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07/09/09 4:17 PM

#133192 RE: crashman #133180

Like I said. the Dicon deal is not all that positive, in fact, it could be construed as a negative if you believe SPNG's accounting and think they are really making the money they claim to be making.

Once you factor in the high probablity that they have diluted shareholders to get the money to pay for Dicon, it really starts to stink. Dicon just isn't that big.
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07/09/09 5:02 PM

#133369 RE: crashman #133180

You numbers are way out there. Save your typing and your mathimatical skills for the professionals. There was dilution, there was a new issuance of preferred shares and an increase in the common shares. I don't even know why I'm on this board. This company is going to be flagged by the IRS when it's time to pay them, It looks like this company is cooking there books in my honest opinion (The CFO can show me there account receivables and if there clean, then I'll shut up), another name for cooking the books is by doing the famous lets count the sales anyways even if they don't pay to make it look like a profit(It's easy to see when there A/R gets inflated and there cash decreases or doesn't move). There going to have to write there A/R or profit off some time or another because there paying income taxes on it. Maybe the CFO has a scheme were he issues shares to pay the income taxes, who knows, the books don't look clean to me. When they do write it all off, the share price will collaspe very hard because it looks like the share price as of now is inflated by alot.

The stock price how ever is very volatile which I like. I'd hate to be in this stock when the news comes out on my streamer ::DJ::SPNG: Spongetech vs. the SEC.