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06/26/09 7:22 PM

#50166 RE: dmort #50164

Right. We don't know the consequences though - to the country - in regards to this bill. There are positives and negatives with any major reform. Especially something like this when dealing with much of the future of our energy here on the homeland. One positive is that it creates lots of new jobs. One negative is that there will most likely be extra taxation. However, anytime you build a future revolution, you have to sacrifice something up front. I dream of being independent one day for the primary sources of our fuel/energy. Is the right time now? I can't answer that. It all depends on how the bill is written. I would have to read it, all 3,000 pages of it or however long it is again. This kind of reform has to be done in the right manner. This isn't really just reform though, it's a revolution. If we don't launch it right, then we can still persevere as a nation and fix things and get it right within time. The question is, how will that effect us SYNJ investors in the short-run, and in the long-run.

I do know one thing. If this bill passes in the exact same week (or time period) that we receive some sort of huge press release(s) on merger(s) and/or funding, etc, then this SYNJ stock could skyrocket to .10 (dime) or even more within a couple of short months, if not just a few short weeks alone. And that's being realistic, not just some crazy pipe dreams.