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06/26/09 12:19 PM

#118827 RE: ohbull2000 #118816


but most of that has already been tried

Which part has been tried? Can you show me where Tom has filed against TDAmeritrade (the obvious choice since most here have a TDA account), filed against the DTCC?, or even publicly started to post documentation to exert a little pressure?

Which part of my suggestions do you claim to have already been tried?

The DTCC being flexible and reasonable? Here's a little hint....that's why you file a lawsuit. You give the DTCC no ability to fart around anymore. Now whether you actually proceed with that legal effort...or if you simply file and drop it 45 days later is another story.

The rest of it is now being addressed by a group of shareholders

Yay..another super group with a web site full of heresay and Grassley's office promising to ask the S.E.C. some tough questions.

Did you know, that if Megas filed a lawsuit against the DTCC, every person on this message board could take a copy of that pleading to their respective Senators office and demand help. 20 or 25 Senators asking the S.E.C. and D.T.C.C. for their explanation.

Actual legal documentation versus heresay is what moves mountains.

...well...smarter than them

Sorry, I have to debate that one.

So, in a perfect world/market, that your post seems to have been conceived in

Actually, try the world where you have certain legal rights as provided by Federal Securities law. Something that some of you continue to ignore. But hey..why file an real legal motion when you can send some emails.