Exactly right. I keep seeing assertions on here that one of the keys for the stock movement is to attract new buyers.
When you stack up the good and bad things that have happened in the past 18 months, you have to admit that there are just as many negatives as positives. The good news is, the negatives are in the past while the positives have all been recent.
So, the potential buyer says, "Gee, this stock is at a bargain-basement price right now, what happened? Ah, yes, they hadn't sold much, had an ugly ownership buy-out, were part of an SEC investigation..."
Assuming the buyer doesn't look elsewhere right then, what he/she finds in Research Step 2 may make the decision.
Do you want him to see 500 messages claiming that the company will somehow be worth millions in a year, based on the hopes of a constantly moving date for an online store?
Or would you prefer that buyer see a bunch of posts with realistic analysis, some enthusiasm, and unbiased reporting?
All I'm saying...don't bury those valuable posts with a bunch of, "OMG it's gonna EXPLODE AT ANY MOMENT" messages. You're not helping your cause.