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06/22/09 11:23 AM

#77639 RE: tcr7309 #77638

Agreed, and you throw in the component that Rod Blagoavich was thrown out of office from what state; Illinois. What state did the President come from; Illinois. What state did a large scandal involving the president's senate seat appointment from Rod's "redhearing"; Illinois. What state also threw out their governor for "saved by the bell" highschool misconduct; Elliot Spitzer and New York....And best of all, what governor from the New York, New Jersey, Illinois triumverate is still in office; The former CEO of Goldman Sachs Jon S. Corzine who is also a former VP from the Bank of Illinois..."there are too many points of gravity all leading to a place on the star charts that indicate there is 'plant or star', but there is no 'planet or star there', what could it be?" The only answer is that someone erased the 'planet or star' from the star-charts.
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06/22/09 11:23 AM

#77640 RE: tcr7309 #77638

Gotcha, sounds good tcr7309.

One major distinction you may want to consider when trading here is the fact there is no dilution to contend with, only a diminishing float.
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06/22/09 11:41 AM

#77642 RE: tcr7309 #77638

Man I tend to agree with ya TCR7309, but I have an objection to this...
jpm and the fdic knew what they did was illegal but they were also smart enough under paulsons direction to understand they could tie this up in court for years until the crisis was over and then settle right before deps and that is what i believe is still the case.

Yes JPM and FDIC colluded and under the direction of our soon to be "jailed" ex-treasury secretary, they stole and took WAMU to save JPM. BUT... BK RULE 2004 if it gets into play, will destroy all chances of this staying out of the public eye. Once it is in the public eye, congress has no choice but to react. Look how fast they moved on B of A and Merrill !!!
They will move lightning quick on this one, because every single one of them are being bothered by past and present shareholders and holders of the banks bonds. I watched Glenn Beck on Friday and he had an email in his hand that was from a constituent of Congressman Jim McDermott of Wa. it was a fight back and forth from some gal in his office that did not want to be called Liz. 19 times she fought with the constituent, whom she should have never fought with in the first place over the use of her name. She should have been focused on the business at Hand!
The subject of email was: JPMC Summary Meeting Please !

So if Congress has to call the players to the hill this will take on a whole new meaning. The last thing any of the players want is to sit in that chair and be grilled by Congress...Perjury charges could easily follow any of them...

GLTYA NICE Volume !!!
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06/22/09 11:50 AM

#77648 RE: tcr7309 #77638

that's about how I see it...