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06/21/09 8:48 AM

#2226 RE: jabs #2225

Hey Frankie, As I always say, what goes around comes around and you finally got yours! Next time when honest people are working hard to help others, you may want to stop and think before shooting off your mouth. At least now you are attacking the right people(GWGI), which is why I spent so much of my energy advising others what I was finding out, despite the fact I had already sold my shares. All along I had told the truth and I can tell you that I had many conversations with the FINRA Hotline after my initial call regarding Galloway. I directed them to this message board, where they collected a lot of additional information to help their investigation, so all the people who honestly shared their DD on Shane Lowry and Galloway get credit also for getting this POS company investigated. The biggest most interesting fact FINRA dwelled on was the fact that they intentionally took advantage of another Galloway with a lease in this Texas oil field. Something will be released soon regarding their final findings. So next time, take your frustrations out on the right person or persons, instead of attacking honest people who are trying to help all of us. I almost quit working on all this because of your personal attack and now I am glad I didn't, because I really felt bad for the people who got and will get scammed by this POS fraudulent company. Good Luck to all and here is hoping you find better success in the near future with a real stock!!!