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08/23/04 10:15 PM

#85537 RE: RichieBoy #85488

Richie Richie Richie,I tried but I guess it was not good enough.First of all lets make a deal you pm me tomorrow as to what time you want to call and I will make sure your call gets through on the air so you can tell these guys what you think.To me that is the biggest reason I am invested with IBCS because there are no secrets (share structure) everything is right up front (share structure)and if you have a question that for some reason you can't find the answer (share structure)then you can call 1-866-752-6555 and get any answer you need.IBCS never looked at CMKX as a joke someone who was probably invested over their head took offense to them saying why is something as big as the (share structure)kept secret and decided to mention IBCS was bashing so that was the gospel because I am here to testify that they do not bash any stocks they speak the truth and if you tuned in more then once or twice you would know how they operate.They did not squeeze CMKX to put up or shut up,they allowed melvin and CMKX ample FREE airtime to talk about MT.St.Helens and explosions and and and but as usual it was just that talk.They made LEGITIMATE questions and could not get answers just as any reporter should and asking for them to become a sponsor is not asking to much.Melvin had FREE airtime on numerous occasions and since they are in the business of selling airtime for revenues they probably asked him to pay for his time and while we are at it why don't you explain just why this jewel of a company did not mind going on when it was free but could not muster up the jack to pay their way.Next,woooo weeeee,you say Darryl you don't know where he was today well you just gave yourself away because as you state he was gone today so you must of been listening to know this but of course you will have another spin on it.Of course they never use to run half as many commercials as they do now because they are on a clock that allows the am stations that are carrying their content to run local ads to pay their bills,why that is so hard to comprehend I have no clue.They are trying to build a business by advertisement, revs are part of their plan it is that simple.They are a real company with hard working officers even you agreed with that,they do not sell shares,they have 89 mil o/s appx 40 mil float and are taking care of their shareholders.I still say I doubt your call was screened but again if you were just pm me with the time you want to call tomorrow and I can see if I can make sure you get on the air tomorrow but of course we know you won't but I just wanted to remind you once again that this is a company who WILL openly discuss their business live for ALL to hear whenever ones wants to.IBCS is a risk you don't want to take,well that is obvious you like to risk in non reporting companies who won't communicate with their investors and who won't tell their shareholders the most important thing a company should tell and that is (share structure)you would not want to be invested in a company who has nothing to hide and is reachable m-f 9:30 until 4:00 market open til close and will discuss anything you want to about themselves or their company live on the air,heck who would want to invest in that kind of company.Moderators boss please tell me what you mean by that and by the way it is Daryn and Darrell.I still wish you and everyone else good luck here and I hope we hit the mother load here.