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06/11/09 1:59 PM

#20138 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

That, my friend, is an excellent write up and I thank you very much for taking time to both visit and to put your findings in this post!!!!

Edit .... I'm sure there are going to be our naysayers picking it apart but who pays attention to them anyway!!!


06/11/09 2:04 PM

#20139 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Thanks for taking the time and for the worthwhile post...


06/11/09 2:06 PM

#20140 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

brwtrpilot n#1 thank you


06/11/09 2:06 PM

#20141 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Thank you for your work!


06/11/09 2:12 PM

#20143 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

nice write up brwtrpilot - thanks for posting!!


06/11/09 2:14 PM

#20145 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

brwtrpilot, may i congratulate you on this note !

it was a real pleasure reading it and i will membermark you for the great DD you brought onto this board (i hope many others will do the same)
it not only makes me feel more and more confident about my investment here in Ligatt, it is great to hear (read) this company is for real and it will deliver what it has promised.
It may take a little longer than the end of june (most of us figured that out by now), but we will get there in the not so far future imo ...
Once again, thanks for this great contribution !

with respect,

BTW, ever thought on writing novelles ?
you do have the talent for that imo :)


06/11/09 2:17 PM

#20147 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Pilot, very good work !!!


06/11/09 2:20 PM

#20149 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

thanks for the info.


06/11/09 5:57 PM

#20168 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

pinkyland is filled with scams - its nice to KNOW that lgtt actually has an office and employee's -


06/11/09 6:34 PM

#20169 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Thank you for your post brwtrpilot! eom


06/12/09 12:13 AM

#20181 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Most excelent post. I felt you were honest, I like that

Be blessed and May you prosper in all you do !


06/12/09 5:37 AM

#20200 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Don't get me wrong i thank you very much for going thru the trouble of visiting the office but i really think you should have asked him (CEO) alot tougher questions....if you knew you'd be posting this on the board i think we all know that there were alot more important issues that could have been discussed. Rarely does someone have the oportunity to have the CEO face to face and if i had been there i honestly think i would have grilled his butt and put him on the a CEO he should know how to take the heat or he should get out of the kitchen.


06/12/09 1:58 PM

#20310 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Great report


06/12/09 8:27 PM

#20405 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

Thank you for the nice write up and pictures.
I appriciate the time and effort you put in this DD
Happy trading


06/12/09 9:47 PM

#20407 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

That was very nice of you man !!! Appreciate your time and efforts..A lot of people are going to sleep easier after reading that...


07/28/09 10:03 PM

#23230 RE: brwtrpilot #20137

i finally got a chance to watch the video -

the # of employees have atleast doubled since your visit rwtrpilot