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06/11/09 2:44 AM

#21160 RE: amarkiii #21159

At this point I don't hold on to anything regarding NSOL. It's done. The goose is cooked. So I assume your next question is "Why am I here then," and my answer would be...

About 18 months or so ago, Techno asked MLM "Why he worked so hard," and he was clearly frustrated that MLM exposed and continued to expose every flaw in the business design of NSOL. $12,000 spent on a frivolous pump and MLM took it down to the ground.

"Why do you work so hard?" Techno couldn't believe his luck. Here he manipulated a stock, had a flock of followers and then some guy on a computer somewhere thwarted all is efforts, his money spent, his time invested and called it like it was.

In that spirit, I continue to post. I hold on to nothing and want to see those responsible go down in flames for what they did. I too (like cytrxman) once believed in the PR's. I believed this company was going to explode out of nowhere and pump out 700 million gallons of Ethanol. They had Tom's River behind them. They had Bear Sterns behind them. They had government officials behind them and most importantly, they were a FULLY REPORTING COMPANY pumping out press releases. I believed in their PR's and believed not only in the concept, but also the cause. Unfortunately in the end it was all a farce. A ploy to get shares at $.08 and sell them below market value at $.31.

Am I hoping to get more shares cheaper; hell no. Am I hoping to short the stock; no. What I say is not going to effect the stock, (the company is solely responsible for that.) Unfortunately the main problem here is not that of turning coal to diesel, but the predicament management wrestles with between Sarbanes Oxley and lying. They put out tidbits of facts that Herda signs off on, all the while proving their misdeeds (albeit bogged down in the mess of explaining nuclear batteries and other aspects of their now defunct businesses) but hoping no one connects the dots. Well, the dots have been connected and the share price (although inflated) mostly reflects the true value. Under $.01 will get there soon enough.

I suppose what I am hopeful towards is this not getting pushed aside or brushed under the carpet. I am hopeful that one day the SEC will return my calls and put these guys down for good.

What I am not, is giddily blinded by a nothing e-mail to a magazine full of cryptic vagueness.

After that link you put up regarding the lawsuit, it seems that the Doc's have been quiet. Both those guys love to disregard facts and they always like to turn the table in their favor, but how can they with such evidence? All they can say is that the future will be different, but it never has and never will be. There may be some other diabolical ploy in the works to jam up the share price, but nothing of substance is on the horizon.

Yet the facts are never enough and sadly some schmuck(s) really believes that construction will start in Q3. Momentum is right when he says kick the ball Charlie Brown.