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06/10/09 2:21 PM

#76023 RE: Docsavag #76019

Doc I am sorry to say, but our Capitalistic society is now dead! Congrats are in order to you for the way you have raised your children, may their many graces bless both yourself and your wife. You sound like a man who was raised on principles, values, manners and morals.

The problem with today's society and the way our children are being indoctrinated in school and on the street, is one of liberalism that supports socialistic views such as "don't worry about it, the government will provide for you" in that type of situation. This is what happened in California approx 1998-2002 and they are now paying for it in a big way. The idea that you can get your food, housing, medical and other things paid for by the hard-working professionals in our society is a joke, one that is orchestrated by politicians who do not have any concern other than "power" and staying in it. The old adage " a penny saved is a penny earned" has been replaced with "put it on your visa baby" worrying about paying for it later and if you can't pay for the bill, the govt will take care of it for you. It's terrible the way a new generation of young folks are being raised and lead to believe that everything is A O.K. and always will be as long as we are providing everything for you.

I was raised with morals, values and manners. I had parents who did what they could to provide me with the basic necessities and instilled in me the "idea that hard-work pays off." I was mowing and raking lawns by the time I was 9 years old and working on weekends, so I could have enough money to go to the movies or buy something I really wanted. My parents could not afford the extras. so I took upon myself to learn that if I worked hard, I could have them.

WAMU plays into this, because many of the i[unknown] investors in this bank were in it through their pension or mutual funds and did not know they had any big interest in it. Many of the individual investors were in it to make a profit and a quarterly dividend. It is shame that they all got screwed by a greedy ceo and his minions and I can not wait until they finally hang him in the center square for the crimes he committed. It will be a "beautiful day" when it is proven that him, his company, the FDIC, FED and Treasury all colluded to cause the destruction of a once great banking institution " out of sheer greed" and in turn caused the destruction of a market-based economy.

I am sure our economy would not have tanked as far as it has, if we would have had a manufacturing based one. NAFTA took care of that and since then we have basically been propping up other governments and their people instead of taking care of our own and making sure our people were employed in long-term employment opportunities. People we are in "dire straits" now and it is "every man for himself" because the policies of the new admin have failed, just like the ones of the old...