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06/08/09 3:14 PM

#75735 RE: grandetourismo #75726

Agreed. I think a few people are going to make alot of money at some point in the next two weeks. My guess is that a settlement will be announced on June 22nd or at the very latest, the 23rd - with the Stipulation of Dismissal being "So Ordered" by Judge Walrath on the 24th.

The events have culminated in a grand, well-played game of chess. All of the pieces conjured up by Weil & Co. are in motion and a mere move or two away from checkmate. There are many WAMU shareholders who deserve to be compensated for there losses AND/OR for taking on the risk of investing against the tide in hopes that justice will trump all.

There isn't enough hubris in the world to blind JPM from seeing the inevitable. For the sake of shareholders (and the U.S. economy), I really hope JPM exercises good business judgment and swiftly settles this matter with us once and for all. Otherwise, it will be risking monumental losses resulting from civil/financial and criminal liability.


06/08/09 4:21 PM

#75751 RE: grandetourismo #75726

grandetourismo, "...not going to be possible for the Judge to rule any other way..."

I would certainly like to believe that; that there is still honesty and justice in the system.

But after the last 8 years I'm more than a bit skeptical. Just keep in mind how we got into this position in the first place.

Good Luck.