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06/04/09 9:22 PM

#75300 RE: mehedi #75299


A few of you have picked up on how JPM's specious adversary complaint actually opened the door for WMI's prayer for relief in the form of counterclaims. Good call. A counterclaim has the same legal substance as filing a lawsuit with a summons and complaint.

WMI's response and complaint is quite devastating, including (1) invoking those fearsome 547 and 548 avoidance powers (not surprisingly WMI claims everything is voided by these statutes: the capital infusions, 'new preferreds', tax refunds, $3.7 billion) I've been boring you about for eight months, (2) requesting a declaratory judgment with respect to various assets, (3) asking for complete disallowance of JPM's claims, and (4) asserting claims for intellectual property infringement.

As an added bonus, the legal bases for WMI's claims (except the IP infringment claims) have already appeared in pleadings, so those of you who have read them know their respective strengths.

The ball is now in Judge Walrath's court. She has everything she needs to rescue her debtor from JPM, and if there's not a settlement soon that may happen sooner than anyone thinks. Don't underestimate this judge.

Finally, you'll note WMI's angry responses with respect to the stipulation over the $3.7 billion containing the nasty threat of sanctions for JPM's disclosure of particulars of their confidential settlement negotiations. I told you last fall there was serious collusion over that money. Debtors do not leave their $ in the hands of adverse parties
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d indian

06/04/09 9:43 PM

#75306 RE: mehedi #75299

Youse believes BOPMAN, ''WHY''???? Geez mortage the house and family farm, DON'T MISS OUT ON THIS WINDFALL. In a human body he would be the radical cell. In other words he don't know crap, just like the rest of us. All he can talk about is big dollars, can't miss settlement, and his personal opinions about what JPM should do. JPM may be the boogeyman as many post, but WAMU was not miss goody-two-shoes either. Hope youse don't call the re-printing of BOPMAN'S post DD, OR SOME KIND OF LINK. Indian
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06/05/09 2:35 AM

#75337 RE: mehedi #75299

Mehedi Will you invite Bopfan to the ihub board please? I do not know how to get in touch with her and we here would value her insight. Please tell her we are looking forward to making her acquaintance and she is welcome on our board anytime. She is really smart and well versed in BK law and we need her expertise over here. tell her we will work hard to make her stay a warm and inviting one. If you ask her nicely she might come on over.
This is an awesome post and needed here, because she gives us insight into how Dimon is feeling and how he has the fire to his feet from his B.O.D shareholders and judicial processes. I mean he is withholding 17B money from Lehman also, that goes towards a pattern. he is not a lawyer and therefore does not understand what he is up against in all the proceedings. The Texas action is extremely dangerouds to his tenure at JPM, because if proven as a fraud, he will be burned and tarred. His arrogance may just get the best of him or ge may decide to end it all before June 24th, I have no idea, but I can speculate once TARP is paid, the negoitation line to Marsha's office will be on speaker phone... Bopfan, Mordicai and Maraytano are some great legal minds in this thing and we need them all