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08/18/04 9:00 PM

#81074 RE: RichieBoy #81072

Richieboy, Read to the bottom of that, is says they are drilling about 10 kilometers northwest of star. That is where CMKX is drilling. Merger in the works, JV, Rogerin canada. My head is spinning.


08/18/04 9:03 PM

#81078 RE: RichieBoy #81072

WHO is selling. All l0ongs need to READ. I know who it is.

I love these theories about CMKX giving shares to venture capts at .0001 then buying them back so every one is a winner.

It does NOT ADD UP.

Yes they very likely issues BILLIONS at .0001 but CMKX aint buying them back, with what.

BUT clearly CMKX is not buying back the shares as many theroize, and at no cost somehow, yet they cannot explain that one.

Folks we have MASSIVE buying and selling going on at .0003 x .0004

Is it naked shorting, maybe some of it.
Is it CMKX buying back... NO they cannot be, where would they get the money. If they issued shares at .0001 you can bet they aint buying back at even .0003

So how are they using the money raisied. Not very well, they are pissing it away on hobbies of the CEO, his company name on a race car. COME ON I can think of at least 20 other things more worth while.

But that is spun as advertizing. Ya LOL.

I will tell you all a little secret, the sellors are those that got BILLIONS of shares at .0001, they are selling at a 4 fold gain. Or it is INSIDERS who issued themselfs FREE shares and they are making pure profite selling at .0003 to .0004

So all you retiries you got a more logicial thoery as to who is selling.

PS The naked shorting theory is smoke and mirros, YES there is likely SOME naked shorting going on but 90% of the selling is either venture capts, or good old INSIDERS.

You clowns miss the fact that since CMKX is NON REPORTING that the good old CEO could vote to give himself 400Bill shares in lue of pay, then he pumps the stock and HE SELLS 400Bill shares into the market NEVER having to file because CMKX is a stinkie pinkie.

And he makes MILLIONS and all legal as CMKX is non reporting.

That is WHY pinkies are sooooooooooo RISKY.

But people have wild theories and do not want to even consider that the massive selling is the dumping of FREE shares given to insiders.......

So all you bag holders, GOOD luck waiting for .001

I am holding a SMALL posistion and will be selling into any rallies......

Not to worry you will not even notice my exit as I have less then 100Mill shares