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06/02/09 1:56 AM

#78764 RE: StephanieVanbryce #78741

Edit: Thanks Steph, an excellent article .. certainly domestic terrorism of the most extremist kind ..
certainly is similar not only to the thinking, but also to the actions of those other terrorist
people we have so much of a problem with .. almost said lol, but it isn't any laughing matter .. lol ..

anyway, when i read ..

"After all, Tiller's assassin was not acting in vacuum. Even if no national anti-choice group directly
ordered him to fire that gun, he is a product of a culture that thrives on systematically threatening.." ..

i thought of the Taleban and AQ and also of some cases of state owned military
using unreasonable threats for other unsavory motives .. then .. while reading ..

"reproductive health care providers and women who seek abortions. Militant anti-
choice groups like Operation Rescue -- which has endorsed intimidation tactics
in the past -- released statements yesterday condemning Tiller's assassination. .." ..

.. i thought, yeah, like after so many cases of innocent civilians being killed in acts of war between others ..

"But after years of sending the message to its avid base that Tiller was a sub-human
monster, a press release expressing dismay at the killing does little good."

YUP .. Edit .. thinking of how so many leaders of countries have been 'slimed'
by propaganda and lie by another country targeting the countries of those leaders .. then ..

"On the sidebar of the Operation Rescue blog, near where the press release appeared, was a small image
featuring Dr. Tiller's face, some very sinister-looking flames, and the words "America's Doctor of Death," .."

CHIT .. is terrible, inflammatory language for certain and would no doubt incite
violence .. in the very least it is highly irresponsible .. disgusting actually to me.

yeah .. thanks again for the article ..

hi F6, hope all is well and look forward to seeing the videos Steph mentioned. fuagf


07/15/09 5:54 AM

#79656 RE: StephanieVanbryce #78741

Stephanie -- took me long enough -- but here's my reply -- had started it more than a month ago, and then there was the Holocaust Museum shooting -- and you posted -- and I've continued in re far right extremism from there, up to as the latest primary post in that string, with more to come -- beyond this reply here, I'll continue that theme there -- I'm going ahead with this reply here because I do have some things I've collected specifically in re Tiller/for this reply

here's the opening I had -- before the Holocaust Museum shooting -- it'll do -- and then I'll continue with the items:

Stephanie -- there are plenty of us beyond just abortion doctors they'd like, would feel justified by their 'faith', to kill -- that evidently eternal conflict, our devil of belligerently ignorant fundamentalism ceaselessly out to murder our better angel of enlightened rationality, endures -- that devil, as purely evil as ever, stirring, emergent, yet again -- right here, right now

a couple of things -- much out there:

[ ]

Feds step up
Rachel Maddow Show
June 5, 2009
The U.S. Justice Department is launching an investigation into the death of abortion doctor George Tiller, focusing on whether the alleged killer had accomplices. Rachel Maddow has the latest on the case with Princeton University political science professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell.

Keyes' running mate: Tiller murder "answer to prayer"
June 2, 2009

Prayer of Death
Alan Colmes Radio (audio)
Alan confronts former Alan Keyes running mate, Pastor Wiley Drake, after he admits that he would pray for Obama's death.
June 3, 2009

Drake prayed for abortion doctor’s death; praying same for Obama
June 05, 2009

This Means The Terrorists Win
George Tiller’s clinic will close.
June 9th, 2009

Tolerance is Always Superior to Intolerance
Rep. Louise Slaughter
Posted: June 9, 2009

Suspect claims 'victory' in closing of slain doctor's clinic
June 9, 2009

Dr. George Tiller, 1941-2009
Subject to Debate
June 10, 2009

Murder leaves just two U.S. clinics for late abortions
Jun 11, 2009

O'Reilly Rages Against Joan Walsh Over Tiller Murder (VIDEO)
[video also/better viewed at ]

Why I went on "The O'Reilly Factor"
Joan Walsh
June 12, 2009

Pro-Life's Happy Warrior
June 1, 2009

Operation Rescue Holds Memorial At Tiller Clinic
June 21, 2009

avenger of blood
Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee endorsed by pro-Christian martyrdom movement leader.
June 07, 2009

Video: Christian Martyr Movement Head Blesses Gingrich and Huckabee
[article with 'avenger of blood' video embedded]
Jun 07, 2009

Newt dog-whistles the "Christian Martyr" movement?
[article with 'avenger of blood' video embedded]
Jun 08, 2009

The Call: Spiritual Warfare in the Field of Martyrs
San Diego (11/01/2008) - Lou Engel and 33,000 followers at a twelve-hour spiritual warfare rally in support of Proposition 8. A 'call' to marytrdom concludes the rally.

Huckabee: Prop 8 Passed Because of Prayer
June 08, 2009

Ex Bush Staffer To James Dobson: Bush Was “The Instrument In God’s Hand”
June 11th, 2009

(via )]
[via Right Wing Site Selling “Liberal Hunting Sticker", June 11th, 2009, ]

Come Together to Prevent My Murder
Jen Boulanger
In my 15 years as the executive director of the Allentown Women's Center, a reproductive health care facility located in northeast Pennsylvania that also performs abortions, I have never felt more vulnerable. In the weeks since the murder of Dr. George Tiller, I have witnessed first hand an upswing in aggression and violent rhetoric by protestors; they've become more emboldened. ...
June 30, 2009


and see (items linked in): and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding and following and preceding (and future following) and preceding and following