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08/16/04 1:09 PM

#59892 RE: sarals #59889

Hmmm... And the economy didn't have anything to do with that giant surplus? Where did that giant surplus come from? I wonder if the economic bubble we had could have had anything to do with that....

You can count on Kerry not doing anything other than talking about it....

Free Ketchup for everyone......

Tax and spend... the Demo. way of life....
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08/16/04 1:11 PM

#59893 RE: sarals #59889

Instead of increasing the taxes which would substantially hurt small business owners I wonder if a cap on compensation would be more appropriate. There are laws which limit 401K investments for the weathly as an example. Should there be limits on stock options, executive pay etc. A small business owner who nets over say 200K is in the top few percent. By increasing their taxes dramatically they would not be able to hire as many new people. There are other ways of doing it instead of just raising taxes.
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Tom K

08/16/04 1:18 PM

#59896 RE: sarals #59889

> I propose a roll back in the big tax break that Bush gave the rich...

What you're really saying is you would increase taxes on the group that already has the highest tax liability, pays the largest percentage of taxes.

>I propose restrained spending and a balanced budget...

I agree with you here, but Kerry is proposing even more spending. His economic plan doesn't add up. Go to

> I point out to you that Bush took a giant surplus and blew it and has run up record deficits.

Bush does deserve some of the blame (not for the tax cuts, but for the increases in spending, the Medicare legislation, etc.) The tax cuts only account for one-fifth of the deficits, and without them, our economy would still be flat on it's back, reducing federal income further. Everyone (especially liberals) seem to forget 911, the stock market bubble, the Tech bubble, and the corporate corruption of the '90s (under Clinton I remind you). Clinton also cashed in on the Defense dividend (remember that?), a freebie gratis RR.