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Bird of Prey

08/16/04 11:02 AM

#119 RE: hasher #118

No argument concerning the oil relationship to our presence in Iraq.
As I said earlier, Saddam was on the verge of enhancing the sweetheart deals in place with China, Russia and France that would have resulted in the lifting of the sanctions and almost no Iraqi oil ending up in the US for the forseeable future. Would Saddam have used his new freedom and cash to build new WMD's? Is the Pope Catholic?

"were there any Democratic presidents that you do admire?? And if so, why??"

with the notible exception of Bill C, I have "admired" to one extent or another every president in office since I became old enough to be aware of the position and what it really means. The first presidency I can truly recall with an adult oriented mindset is Nixon. I thought he did fairly well aside from the tragic flaw that ruined his legacy. So many good things, but one really really bad thing.
Ford was a fish out of water but managed not to screw things up during his short tenure.
Carter was (is) a brilliant man with wonderful ideas. Unfortunately he was dealt a bad hand and had to spend too much time in crisis management which was not his strength.
Reagan... will they add him to Mt Rushmore? Time will only enhance his legacy.
The First George Bush - a man very similar to Carter, very intelligent, but crisis management was not his strong suit either.
Bill C. I wonder what "connections" Mr Moore would turn up if he turned his investigative eye at Slick Willie. Here was a president that had ample opportunity to "do something" to interfere with the terrorist organizations around the world. But aside from a few ineffective rocket launches... he seemed more concerned with how he "looked" than actually accomplishing anything. As much as I admire Reagan I despise this man (and I use that term rather loosely here) even more. An absolute disgrace.
I'll not go back historically beyond these few except to say that each President, Democrat or Republican performed admirably according to his gifts in the most difficult job in the world.
One other thing I would like to point out... the Democratic party of the Roosevelt era and before has little in common with the present day Democratic party. One can only hope that in another 75 years that Democratic party will have as little in common with the current party.

PS. And what would Mr. Moore have to say about copyright infringement! the Horror! :))