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08/16/04 11:26 AM

#120 RE: Bird of Prey #119

Well, I owe mr moore about 2 bucks then, cuz I only bought into 25 % of the film and 0% into his

GB's connections to the bin ladens and his manoevering to get that family on planes out of the US on the day after 911, when all other commercial flight was grounded, is disconcerting.
This is far more serious than any connections BC used or catered to..
Even if they are all innocent and osama was the only black sheep (subsequent bank record investigation shows this to be not so), the FBI did bring up some serious concerns. In any murder case, the immediate family is always told not to go anywhere till everyone is interviewed and things are sorted out. They are never put on a plane out of a country... but the enormous bin laden entourage were let go, with GB's help. this is indisputable.
By the way.. I am a huge clinton fan.. so we could not be any more diametrically opposed on that.