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04/26/09 2:24 PM

#20505 RE: spongiformbobsqpants #20503

To be honest I doubt that, for the sake of public safety, they would announce at this stage that current treatments are ineffective. I'm not paranoid or for conspiracy theories but worked long enough for public agencies to know that bad news take some time to leak... Tamiflu/Relenza may or may not be effective, I think we'll see in a week or two. I also sure that's the message Roche/GSK want to send and lobbying still rules at this stage. I do hope Tamiflu/Relenza work fine so we can get this thing under control but would not take it for granted.


04/26/09 2:28 PM

#20506 RE: spongiformbobsqpants #20503

yes, it 'appears' to be effective after it clearly wasn't effective - all on the same nbc outlet. of course, the govt. has a major stock pile of Tamiflu so now they can use it for something. hmmm, doesn't work, but does............ Doesn't work on bird flu but seem to be........... so confusing....