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04/25/09 12:29 PM

#20676 RE: LB #20675

Walker you have always been a sincere and concerned share holder who has invested a lot of personal hard earned money of your own and I believe a lot of share holders here will vouch for that since we are in the same boat...

We all have to stay afloat and my extensive discussions with company management and others ( anyone can pick up the phone and talk to these PUBLIC officials) has lead me to the same conclusion as yours....I have always remained skeptical and worried but in all of this I have tried to keep an objective and scientific approach...

I do not believe the nay sayers here because there are two main reasons...
1.. they are equally ignorant and refuse to open their their examples are obvious since they bemoan the lack of inside info...As if the company has not been burnt in the past by letting info leak...I am very pleased that this time they have been able to keep a tight lid on every thing...

2. ....they are the people who would profit immensely by keeping the PPS low and sowing the seeds of doubt...

This will all be revealed very shortly and the math and the margin of profit from a share price of 2 cents as is now is going to be insane for any one to believe....hence the greed and the deliberate effort to not allow any share holder to "gamble" or "invest"....after all ...buying shares in not exactly a science...a share holder or share holders or the market makes up a price...

Well...the supply and demand game is just about to begin shortly..and as you understand....and know now!!!

WE ARE ALL going to be OK...including the share holders and the management and the investors who have placed faith and taken the risks....

The HOW part is what even I dont have a clue...but the blue print that I have projected and imagined is very real and close to reality....

The company will only make public announcements when a certain fact get money...they buy up any property or stake or they try and spin off FFI or have partnerships with others....

All of these things may come to happen and the PUBLIC announcements and SEC filings will prove that they are progressing ahead....

and hence we have to be patient....and I am sure a bunch of ignorant people on this board are going to be jumping up and down due to this post....but the proof will be in the pudding....and the pie is in the oven!