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08/04/04 12:51 PM

#70469 RE: jon_e_og #70455

oh, fer sure, jon,

but im still betting on the flow of tangible CMKX moves vs. the hyped-up, self-promoted, OPINIONATED puppy-droppings of some of these meatheads who CLAIM CLAIM CLAIM to know it all....... conclusion jumpers...
used ta call them claim jumpers....

all they do is try cause a sane man to jump to a conclusion, by inciting his emotion...

why oh why oh why???


08/04/04 1:11 PM

#70501 RE: jon_e_og #70455

I'm not sure about this until a PR but (and I'm not trying to spin anything to make us feel better)......

1) The company decided to declare a was of course NOT required.
2) The declaration of the dividend would lead to info being submitted - the per share .0000155 - by the company or as has been reported by Roger Glenn.
3) Surely a man of Glenn's knowledge would know that the info had to be submitted and that math 101 would lead to an easy calculation of the O/S.
4) IF the compnay wanted to maintain some kind of secrecy concerning the O/S (and clearly that's where we have been for some time)......why declare the dividend in the first place leading to this disclsure of the O/S? They know that the dividend news was not going to move the pps and there's no necessity to announce another dividend at this time SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.........why do this?

And I can not accept that this was done without a complete knowledge of what was entailed. Glenn is too savvy to overlook anything......especially since he was supposedly the one who provided it! I'm not big on master plan theories but to believe that Glenn somehow did not know that this would come out is too much for me. I don't know why they chose to do all of this which was clearly OPTIONAL but I'll wait and see...............
