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08/04/04 12:21 PM

#70434 RE: jon_e_og #70422

, there....

1 thru 6 are not ESTABLISHED AS FACTS yet...

not yet, anyway.... : )


08/04/04 12:50 PM

#70464 RE: jon_e_og #70422

Diamonds are why I got into CMKX, not O/S or R/S or dividends.

Now I see gold and other minerals in CMKX's future.

That's good enough for me.


I Eat Glue

08/04/04 1:00 PM

#70490 RE: jon_e_og #70422

Dear Jon: I have comments about your post.

First, why would Roger Glenn release that information to a private website like What is to be gained by doing that? That would be borderline unethical at the very least. An attorney would never do that I promise you. Absolutely no way! He would have PR'ed it.

Second, confirmed by an email from a Nasdaq rep. Come on, are you that naive?

Third, I have a long list of things that Janice has said that were wrong, not based on any facts, or flat out lies.

Fourth, you state "this news is extremely dissappointing and troublesome" referring to O/S info from OTCBB, this IS NOT news. This is hearsay and for you to call it NEWS discredits you and your comments.

Fifth, you are pissed and so should I?? I am not pissed at all. a) Even at .0003, I personally am up 300%. b) I knew that the O/S was not published prior to buying the stock. c) Pinksheet stocks are high risk & high reward so if you have trouble with that then you should go to less risky investments such as g bonds. Summary, do not tell me what I should be pissed about. That is my decision.

Jon, my final comment is this ... it is very simple. Get out or stay but 1) get your facts straight and 2) don't tell me that I should be pissed about this issue when clearly I knew it coming into it because I did the DD.




08/04/04 1:36 PM

#70541 RE: jon_e_og #70422

Well, perhaps they are in the middle of retiring the 500B shares and we just need to give them a chance to finish what they are working on...Or many shares are restricted and not in the float...Might as well let them play it out their way. Insisting on revealing the share structure now might inadvertantly sabotage what they are trying to accomplish. I don't think calling them liars is in anyone's best interest and I don't think you will get what you want by name calling. Neither you nor I know how this will play out but just telling us the share structure isn't enough information on which to make an informed decision.