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04/22/09 7:48 PM

#3485 RE: hunter_gatherer #3483

Hunter: Don't count me in that "loved Oily" group. I can't count the number of times my posts were deleted because of my responses to him.

I WILL NOT miss him and his incorrect forecasts.
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04/22/09 9:25 PM

#3489 RE: hunter_gatherer #3483

First off, he aint goin nowhere. Beleive it.

Second, this phony has 123 membemarks. UNBELIEVABLE.
But that point is interesting in a way.
Think about it.

There are not that many regular active posters here for one.

Not many of those active posters here give any cred to him now.

Even lurkers jump in now and then and boo hoo him.

So who then are the idiots that still hang on to him? 123 of them.

Sure there is DK, EO, JC, PN, DB, JS. Don't think so??

How bout FBI, SEC, DOJ, HS, Democratic Party leaders, Hermosa Beach Police dept, etc?

He is being watched.
By 123 April Fools

See your phony posts again tomorrow.
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04/22/09 10:19 PM

#3493 RE: hunter_gatherer #3483


I've been here for nearly three years, and I've never been a fan of Oily. I'll tell you why people finally got fed up with Oilphant....and its got nothing to do with Oily suddenly "turning" negative.

First off...his post were cryptic...and he rarely explained himself.

Secondly...Oily's prediction were always wrong. And did Oily ever own up to being wrong? Never. If he made a prediciton on a Tuesday...and it was proven wrong on Thursday.....he would ignore that fact and just make another prediction on Friday. It was laughable.....

And lastly, he posts about ERHC were all over the place...bordering on schizophrentic. Sometimes Oily would post several days in a row about positive things that were "going to happen" for ERHC...and of course they would never occur....and then he would disappear for a short time...and then return....only this time to post on how bad things were coming down the pike for ERHC. This would happen over and over and over. And when other posters questioned him about his posts being contradictory....surprise....he never answered them.......

Oily did this for the three years since I've been posting/reading here...and it's about time that people here got fed up with him...heck...the mods should have banned him a looong time ago.

Why did oily post and what were his reasons for posting? In mp opinion, there can only be three reasons......

1.) Oily truly did have a source...unfortunately his source was schizophrentic...and never ever right. lol

2.)Oily didn't have a source. But he had "problems" of his own, in which he needed to be the center of attention on a meassage board full of strangers.

3.) Oily manipulated the posters on this board for financial gain.

My bet is number 3...with a little bit of 2. :)

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04/22/09 11:08 PM

#3494 RE: hunter_gatherer #3483

No friend, not exactly the real story. I still am in the camp that he has an ear to the ground. He KNOWS more than the average bear. Believe that. The problem is that the ego got in the way and he began manipulating, imho. Not unlike the politicians of today. Power in any form is an aphrodisiac. Not many are disciplined enough to handle it. He morphed into a predictable clown. A shame actually. Not unlike the annoyingly gnat like presence you bring to the board. That is a true story.