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04/23/09 12:45 PM

#177410 RE: Fullmoon #177347

Fullmoon, I've never understood why the PC OEMs don't just slap a "TPM security inside" sticker on the PC like "Intel inside", or the Windows logo. I'm sure there was a period when perhaps they wanted to fly under radar, but that is long gone.

At least you'd get some awareness or questions. "hey what the heck is a TPM???" Maybe it would rattle a few cages. Maybe a decisionmaker would notice the sticker and ask questions.

If Wave can't get the TCG to do it, they should propose it Dell and convince them to use their own "TPM security inside" (or something to that effect) sticker. A little 2cent sticker would go a long way. to raising awareness. Dell is trying make security as a difference maker on their products.