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04/20/09 6:24 PM

#18833 RE: Frank Pembleton #18832

I hear everything you say.. I have a few liabilities to take of in the next few years .. maybe two.. Then I plan to do similar.. The collapse derailed me a bit.. I needed a bit more..
C'est la vie..

I'm planning on a part time 'meet the people' kind of job to cover basic expenses.. but I need a certain amount of income from my stash via yield.. It's getting there.. If I could count on deflation :O)

Real estate has not come down to bargain levels here in Ontario .. not yet anyway..

Zone 11.. I ripped out my front lawn and put in all garden I guess 3 years ago.... Not much on lawns.. Mostly perennials... I put in a little patch of putting green to match my neighbour ... about 10 by 30 along the road :O)

My wife has relatives on the island.. Nanaimo end.. Her brother left Vancouver because it was too busy.. Has a gardening franchise.. rents a farmhouse.. I'm jealous.. Her uncle is less happy... He had 49 acres up in Desboro off Georgian Bay.. now a residential lot near Nanaimo.. but his kids live on the mainland.. which is why he left Ontario... He loved his garden...

So far our plans are to haul the camping trailer out that way this summer :O)

There's so many other things I'd rather do then living in this shithole city spending all my time in my fucking office cursing at a fucking computer screen eight fucking hours per day That's why I'm looking for something OUT of computers..



04/20/09 7:21 PM

#18834 RE: Frank Pembleton #18832


I always enjoyed your posts...thanks. Live long and well.


04/21/09 11:47 AM

#18835 RE: Frank Pembleton #18832

I hear you... Finally finished with tax season and reading more on deflation. The jury is still out, but I have a much greater respect now for deflation and trying to find safe banks for keeping cash. Too big to fail likely not to last.

I am beginning to believe that people such as Hugh Hendry, Mish, and others may well be right. Namely, quantitative easing has never worked throughout history as Hendry states.

"Since the 1870s, three extended deflations have occurred--two in the U.S. from 1874-94 and from 1928 to 1941, and one in Japan from 1988 to 2008. All these deflations occurred in the aftermath of an extended period of "extreme over indebtedness," a term originally used by Irving Fisher in his famous 1933 article, "The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions." Fisher argued that debt deflation controlled all, or nearly all, other economic variables."

In short, I think quitting is the better part of valor for the next few months...

Good luck Frank!


04/21/09 11:57 AM

#18836 RE: Frank Pembleton #18832

There's no quitting. You can sit on the sidelines if you want, but we reserve the right to drag your ass back here at some pt.

Do whatever you need to do to recharge. There is still a lot of money to be made the next few years w/some patience. At some pt gold will go over 1K again I have no doubt. Also oil will probably make a lasting low in the next 1-3 years. This will be a great buy. No quitting.

The last month has been a waste of my time as well, but that's how it goes as a trader at times. I'm mostly cash w/a few shorts right now. Still have small gold position, but fairly bare bones. Also watching natural gas like yourself, but going to wait for a ST bottom in the gen markets most likely.


04/21/09 1:05 PM

#18837 RE: Frank Pembleton #18832

Hi Frank

I only stumbled recently through Kastel onto your i hub thread again, and bookmarked it, happy to find another source of information, so needed in this market turbulence,only to read you are quitting?
Man, I can understand you, I feel like it too, but who will take care of your ( my) money, where to park it? Thats what keeps me going and being still a goldbug, hoping for the big run., which I believe we are close now. You can't quit now !!
