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04/12/09 11:52 PM

#818 RE: was stockwhisperer #816

PLBI holders and fence sitters-LOOK @ THIS!>

From their website>

Sector: BioTechnology
Industry: Electro-catalyst media

Corporate Overview:
Proton Laboratories is a BioTech-focused company specializing in the development and marketing of industrial, environmental and residential systems and applications that alter the properties of water to produce Functional Water. The process that is utilized to accomplish this is electrolysis with electrolyte separation. Based upon the new science, engineering, product design and products that have been successfully developed by our Japanese counterparts, the Company will expand its current marketing efforts of this concept in the North American markets and with future expansion to a European market.

Functional electrolyzed water has been studied and used in Japan for the past 46 years and the Japanese have become world experts in this technology. All systems that are imported by the Company are of the highest level of design, engineering, safety, reliability and user friendliness. The Company and its core advisory members have invested considerable resources during the past 10-year period to fully understand the technology, science, market implications and the far-reaching benefits that are gained from the use of Functional Electrolyzed Water.

Proton Laboratories is in possession of an array of applications that ensure food safety, address microbial concerns, provide non-chemical agricultural medium, provide medical-grade sterilization, structure safe and healthy drinking water, and provide a cache of industry-related uses of a highly-efficacious and safe medium.

The premise on which Functional Electrolyzed Water derives its efficacies are from the process-induced changes in pH, Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and energy measured in levels of ionic potential (IP) of the water. The restructuring process alters these parameters to create a water medium that is highly effective in obtaining desired functional results in many critical applications.

Proton Laboratories possesses the technology, science, hardware and marketing experience to make the use of Functional Electrolyzed Water acceptable in North America. The following chart shows a small sampling of the efficacy of Functional Electrolyzed Water.

LOAD Contact Time
10 Seconds 60 Seconds 300 Seconds
P. aeruginosa 6.1x107 <100 <100 <100
E.coli O157:H7 3.1x107 <100 <100 <100
S.sonnei 1.7x106 <100 <100 <100
S.enteridis 1.7x108 <100 <100 <100
V.parahaemoluticus 8.3x107 <100 <100 <100
MRSA 1.7x106 <100 <100 <100
S.pyogenes 3.2x107 <100 <100 <100
B.subtilis 4.0x107 not tested 2.6x103 <100
C.botulinum 8.1x106 2.6x103 <100 <100

Meets European efficacy standards in accordance with standard EN 1040

The benefits of Functional Electrolyzed Water are in its high rate of efficacy, safety to the worker and environment, non-ability of microbes to develop an immunity against its kill factor and cost efficiency. It promotes a new paradigm in our thinking for a wide array of industrial and medical challenges. Proton Laboratories also possesses a repertoire of proprietary processes and products, formulated with Functional Electrolyzed Water, which deliver exponentially-empowered efficacies of solutions needed in the maintenance of health and wellness.[b/]

Sector Overview:
Current microbial control and containment processes and barometers utilized in industry are processes that have been relied upon for generations. As more and more complexities arise in safety and containment procedures, greater challenges are placed towards the scientific communities for new modalities that will counter these new challenges. Quite often, new modalities are based upon existing processes or media with inherent restrictions placed upon its level of efficacy, sustainability or evolutionary capabilities.

Functional Electrolyzed Water, a byproduct based upon a process of electrolyte separation and restructuring, provides a refreshingly new, natural-based medium, that is superior to many of the current modalities utilized in the areas of microbial and viral control.

Today, there are frequent instances in which bacteria have caused massive and costly recalls to industry based upon bacterial strains such as E.coli, Salmonella and Lysteria. In the hospital environments, numerous situations of MRSA or Staph infections have caused ongoing concerns to the safety and welfare of hospital patients and caregivers. Functional Electrolyzed Water provides a highly-efficacious medium to control and eradicate these concerns, at a minimal cost, while creating economic dividends resulting from the areas of microbial safety, potentially lower health care costs and insurance premiums. The reassurance in the ability of maintaining the economic viability of an organization or institution from reliable and efficacious, microbe-free environments and products cannot be underestimated.

Significant Transactions:
Proton Laboratories has obtained Exclusive or OEM Distribution Agreements from electrolysis manufacturers such as OSG Corporation of Japan, Kyushu Matsushita Electric of Japan, and Solutions Technos Ltd. Company of Japan. The Company has also obtained a Licensing Agreement from Bio-Redox Laboratory of Japan to provide the company with unique nutraceutical products, processes and applications.

In addition to these product distribution agreements, the Company has long-term working relationships with key scientific, academic, industrial, governmental and trade organizations in Japan. The Company is considered a true pioneer in the introduction of this unique and highly-promising technology to industrial markets in North America.

Add-on Acquisition; Roll-up
As the Company builds upon a solid revenue stream, based upon its current products and licensing concepts, the Company will evaluate the need for synergistic mergers or friendly acquisitions of niche distribution companies who are currently and actively marketing products or services to an industry that we will expand in.
When the Company is at a point where products based upon Functional Electrolyzed Water become ready for market, as viable nutriceutical products, Proton Laboratories will seek for acquisition a niche, natural products-based nutriceutical company for production and distribution of our products.

Additional Growth:
The Company will establish local offices in Canada and Mexico. It is planned that subsidiaries of Proton Laboratories will be created in these markets with the company name Proton Laboratories Canada/Mexico.

In order to increase distribution of our products into key strategic industries, various forms of joint ventures, strategic alliances, licensing agreements and private-labeling distribution rights will be provided to competent business partners.

Also, in order for us to be able to maximize our market potentials, new market-driven applications will be continually developed over the next 5 years. Currently, the Company is in possession of a diversified array of proprietary applications, for which markets will be created. The Company plans on introducing 2 new applications on a yearly basis, which will perpetually add to the market and revenue base of the company.

Investment Highlights:

A new and promising technology that has been market pioneered by the Company’s core group of specialists for the past 10 years - necessary infrastructure is identified and market readied.

Strength of the Company is in its extensive knowledge of market-proven applications backed with sound manufacturing support from Japan.

Exclusive, proprietary, trade-secret processes and formulations based upon Functional Electrolyzed Water.

Company will build its market presence in a logical, non-constraining and long-term manner with ongoing revenue and profit growth.

Very impressive array of managment after 10yrs!>

Corporate Address: 333 Atlantic Avenue
Alameda California 94501
Tel: (888) 548-3002
Fax: (888) 548-3004

Oregon Office: 333 SE Second Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97214
Tel: (888) 548-3002
Fax: (888) 548-3004

Chairman: Edward E. Alexander
California Office
President, CEO, Director: Jim Wheeler
California Office
Sales and Marketing, Director: Gary A. Taylor
Oregon Office
New Business Development, Director: Merlin Yockstick
California Office
Chief Financial Officer: Jamie Plante
Chief Science Officer: K. Hanaoka, Ph.D.
Chief Technical Officer: Hiroshi Tanaka
California Office
Operations Manager: Isaias Almanza
CPA: T.G. Johnson & Associates C.P.A.
Oakland, California
Corporate Auditor: Hansen, Barnett and Maxwell
Salt Lake City, Utah
Corporate Counsel: Joel Seidner Esq.
Houston, Texas
Sector Comps: Hoshizaki America
Electric Aquagenics Unlimited
Miox International