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04/04/09 7:12 PM

#162667 RE: nofortunateson2 #162661

Not sure but does this

qualify as a long time long ----------

1/18/2001 NEOM BOUGHT 500 SHARES OF NEOM AT $5.375


04/04/09 7:21 PM

#162669 RE: nofortunateson2 #162661

Nofortunateson2, I have been invested in Neom since Feb 2004 and been an assistant moderator on this board for a period of time. Obviously, I remain invested in Neom for its long term potential ROI, and I applaud you for doing the same for an even longer period of time.

With all that said, I have to say that we will "agree to disagree" on this one. I have successfully run very large manufacturing operations for many, many years. Never ever would I let one of my staff state to me that they weren't responsible for the performance of one of their suppliers or a contracted service. You cannot contract for a service and then abstain responsibility. Someone has to hold them accountable.

Perhaps there was a hidden motive for the attorneys not making an appearance as Crusher and others believe. If that was the case, then Neom would have been fully aware of the situation and actually managing it with the attorneys.

Clawmann and others believe Neom had their "head in the sand" (my words - not theirs) and weren't monitoring the situation. If that was the case, then I feel Neom is at fault for the attorneys failing to show up.

Regardless, what's done is done...Neom is an excellent position to win the lawsuits with Scanbuy, and I am optimistic we will see these lawsuits come to a positive outcome in the future.
