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03/27/09 10:24 PM

#19849 RE: ABIGIDIOT #19847

You should have came and seen for yourself! Like they say- You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them THINK!!!!! LOL I don't think you will see anyone selling on Mond. That is anyone that was at the Mill or the Mines! today.
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03/27/09 10:33 PM

#19851 RE: ABIGIDIOT #19847

ABIGHAMMER....good luck to you.......

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03/27/09 10:42 PM

#19853 RE: ABIGIDIOT #19847

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Ski Bum

03/27/09 11:54 PM

#19857 RE: ABIGIDIOT #19847

sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... well, ok, after reviewing the experiences of our two illustrious reporters, i guess its pretty obvious where we stand here. i.e., not much further along than we were a month or two ago.

Reply: this was my first trip to the mill so I can't comment on this.

from their narratives, we can glean little meat and potatoes that we all so long for to help base our buying and selling decisions. no massive piles of ore as far as the eye can see...

Reply: tons (literally) of ore the size of football fields and 60 feet high. They are currently being kept in separate piles with 1 pile for each land owner (remember CPRK does not own the land but only the mining rights and has to pay royalties).

no machinery and gadgetry so loud we needed ear protection

Reply: did you really thing that OSHA would allow the machinery & gadgetry to be turned on when 300+ visitors were on site? This is a mine remember, not a museum.

no sample pieces or refined copper ore of sort. or perhaps even any gold or silver trailings we all so counted on.

Reply: actually samples were given out to everyone who wanted one. These were copper samples, not gold or silver. Remember the gold that they are reclaiming are not gold veins of gold, but something on the order of 0.12 oz/ton (i think, maybe someone else who was there could correct me if I am wrong).

oh wait, heres a high point.... it was noted as an achievement to have lights on. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME????????????!!!!!!!!! an accomplishment to have lights on???????

Reply: the lights on are a major advancement. This was not generator powered lights, this was lights powered by the electric company. This is huge.

well, next uptick that happens if i can glean enough to get out of this mess, i certainly will. rio tinto my rear end. good luck everyone.

Reply: have fun investing you money in something else. I hear financials and the auto stocks are great right now.