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03/27/09 2:48 PM

#254661 RE: The Count #254660

Count, good post and I agree. Another thought: perhaps InterDig settled early with Samsung because a loss would adversely affect the Nokia case. Today, there is no such risk - Nokia stands alone. So let's get what we've earned ;)
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03/27/09 3:45 PM

#254669 RE: The Count #254660

Count, Nokia themselves know that IDCC has at least 2 essential patents from the Pumfrey trial.

I am in full agreement with you that IDCC should take the Nokia rascals all the way to decision. That is unless Nokia gives us a rate that we want.
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03/27/09 3:56 PM

#254670 RE: The Count #254660

well said.

The case vs Lucent was the most disappointing one. After long battle and the case was settled at the last minute for the money which was barely covering the legal fee.

What were we afraid of at that time? It's just couple of Tantivy patents. Even if we failed in the court room, it will not hurt the bulk of the patents that IDCC holds.
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03/27/09 3:56 PM

#254671 RE: The Count #254660

Count, exceptional post !!!
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03/27/09 4:19 PM

#254675 RE: The Count #254660

The Count, those are my sentiments too. I was prepared to let my considerable investment in IDCC sink or swim based upon a decision in the Ericsson litigation. Needless to say, I was very disappointed and dismayed when IDCC caved in and settled for peanuts. Even though the Ericsson settlement was the trigger that forced Samsung and Nokia to pay up for 2G, it did not establish an air of conclusiveness or finality in regards to IDCC's legal battles with infringers.

As you say, it is high time that IDCC take someone to the mat. Ever since the Ericsson decision, I have been watching, waiting, and hoping for Harry to grow a pair. I believe that Harry gave the so-called "mandate" to settle with Ericsson. Indeed, Harry boasted afterwards that he was directly involved in bringing the settlement to conclusion. All too often after IDCC picks a fight, it ends up cowering in fear and backing off. For once in my life, I would like to see IDCC stay in the ring and go the distance. There is a time and place to pick a fight and fully commit to it. This is the right time and place.
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03/27/09 5:34 PM

#254676 RE: The Count #254660

Count here, here! Well thought out post, and well said. In litigation there are a lot of risks in going all the way to a decision. However, the way Nokia has treated IDCC has just been absolutely deplorable. Sometimes you just have to stand up to bullies, and duke it out to the very end in order to garner much needed respect. Nokia needs to pay big-time for the harm they have caused IDCC, and I like you, hope they do.
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03/28/09 8:02 AM

#254684 RE: The Count #254660

imo, sammy has set the bar. the point of stalling and litigating is moot.