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07/26/04 6:03 PM

#13566 RE: aim hier #13564

The Mathematical Problem with Aim

I just wanted to leave this thought before I left for vacation. You brought up vealies,, here's my take on trading stocks,, you know the math in a trading range,,, take $100 lose 10% you got $90,, gain 10% back you only have $99,,,, reverse it,, take $100,, gain 10% you have $110,, then lose 10% and you have $99,,, not to mention commisions,, its that little quirk of math that just always kills ya and its always there. What's wrong with AIM? To really turbo-charge a AIM traded entity the PC needs to be reduced also on every sell to remove the above mentioned math anomaly. How much? What amount? It's actually 10% of your sell amount,, in the example if you would have sold $10 at $110,, sell $11, and lower PC to $99,, doing this alone adds a nice turbo charging to AIM and gets rid of the math quirk against you,,, Is this math quirk real? Oh, ya,, even those who AIM never had enough cash for the NAZ100 to drop from 5400 to 1600, peoples basis are so low now,, many need Naz and Dow to more than triple or at least double to get back in the game where they were 4 yrs ago,, I say keep the cash,, let the cash grow,, AIM in its original form burns cash,, I think so cause my Janus, PBHG, and American Century stock funds(9 of them) lost between 70% to 80% of there value,,, thank god for our large cash and bond positions,, are total hit was close to 40%,, but I have many friends my age and older in serious fiancial trouble,, they were 100% invested the whole time,, ouch! Best to all! Off to Michigan to play golf and watch the Indy cars next Sunday at Michigan International Speedway,, JMHO, Firebird