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03/23/09 2:40 PM

#23747 RE: kipp440 #23721

Welcome to Green Hell, Where You’re All a Bunch of Slaves
By dave
Doug Giles
Monday, March 23, 2009

If you thought the global warming climate clowns were bad before Obama ascended to the throne, you ain’t seen nothing yet with our new chartreuse Commander in Chief. Of course Barack, personally or professionally, won’t go green because it’s too “inconvenient” and way too expensive for his gig, but for us serfs schlepping in Obamaland we will have to worship the turf because, you see, we’re murdering the earth. Quit laughing. This is serious. I said quit laughing. The earth is dying, and it ain’t funny.

In PoMo America where bullcrap is alive and well, we’re going to be forced to exchange the worship of God for grass. In Bermuda We Trust. And if we don’t bow and kiss Pelosi and her tribe’s jade ring we could be used as human tiki torches to light her garden. Be afraid, plebeians. Be afraid.

After Obama was ACORNed into the White House, several black hip hop “artists” said that with the election of Barack the White House would soon morph into the Black House. I hate to break it to you, Ludacris, but you’re a day late and a few special interest groups short, as the off-their-frickin’-rocker global warming Gestapo are in line way ahead of you to paint 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue green, dawg. Fo’ shizzle, my nizzle.

Brace yourself, boys and girls, as we’re about to have green shoved up our backsides like never before. Yep, going emerald will soon move from being an Ed Begley, Jr./Daryl Hannah option and will quickly become a government dictate because climate change is a “fact,” or as Ron Burgundy would say, “It’s science.”

Never mind the little detail that a staggering 31,000 scientists refused to sign the UN’s “consensus” on global warming hysteria, compared to the paltry 2,000 bought off wizards who John Hancocked it.

Or the other little ditty that Steve Milloy of points out in his new book Green Hell that “there is no scientific evidence indicating that carbon dioxide, much less man-made carbon dioxide emissions, control or even measurably impact global climate. This is true whether you look at data going back 650,000 years, data from the twentieth century, or even data from the past ten years. Alarmist predictions of climatic doom are based exclusively on hypothetical mathematical models that have never been validated against the real world.”


03/23/09 3:25 PM

#23759 RE: kipp440 #23721


Really! What a croc of crap! I will bet my life, yours, everyone I know and everyone alive on the planet that all private guns will not be confiscated in 2009 - or even remotely close to it. That's an example of how the conspiracy NJs lose all credibility. If they would just stick to things that couldn't be quantified - like aliens are underground and controlling our future - it wouldn't be so easy to laugh at them.
