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02/19/09 12:15 AM

#14567 RE: LORD_FARQUAAD #14566

I say! hear ye, that can only mean one thing..Lord Farquaad has found someone guilty - off to the stockades!

Dale? Scotch? Stevo? anyone I'll let you take this one..I'm laughing to hard.

Nite folks!
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02/19/09 2:28 AM

#14569 RE: LORD_FARQUAAD #14566

Well if you go back and read my posts here you would see I have been the biggest critic in the world of this company and its management, but I can say without a doubt that there has been no promo here, and Dale (investinginthestockmarket) was paid some shares, what, 2 years ago? Basically to do IR, not a promo.

You are just way off base here.
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02/19/09 8:03 AM

#14572 RE: LORD_FARQUAAD #14566

ya need better DD bucko.Sadler communications is the IR now for RTGV,and as far as Dale went dont' most companies have a IR I sure would hate to be in company without one..I have never heard of a IR company being called a promo to the stock market world.geesh..funny reading though for all..