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02/14/09 5:41 PM

#62890 RE: MorningLightMountain #62889

It’s simple JR is running a Green company and he is recycling.

When he screws over the SSTP bag holders and starts a new venture he will still use the same garbage. It is good for the enviroment.

king oil

02/14/09 5:42 PM

#62891 RE: MorningLightMountain #62889

even the most vocal pumpers are now revolting re: the latest revelation that USSE has been shut down. I think we will see some fireworks next week. The filing has been sent to attorney generals in several states. JR better have saved some funds for his legal defense.

Author: vonitsa

Ladies and gentlemen!!! A note for JR himself!
It makes no sense to me why we are not allowed to talk about USSE in the sstpinfo board. We were told by JR himself that USSE and SSTP are siamese twins, conjoint at the head and if one succeeds the other has to succeed to. If one fails they both go down.
There is only one reason why we cannot talk USSE there: Mr Rivera obviously doesn't have a good explanation for all of us who got screwed.
It is at least childish to believe that the SEC is watching that board and can use it against JR in the upcoming trial. Unless JR thinks that we may reveal something that the SEC shouldn't know. But how can we do that? We only talk about what he told us through official PRs, which the SEC is aware of before us, I am sure.
There are a bunch of boards that we are all members and we can freely talk about USSE and Mr Rivera and the Administrators never had a problem with that. But obviously JR is an "active" (?) member only in this board and he knows that he owes an explanation only to this boad and not to the rest of his shareholders. But I believe he is trying to gain some time by avoiding the discussion.
I believe that David (who was doing a FANTASTIC job as an Administrator/moderator untill he banned me from the site for posting this post; don't worry David no SEC will ever ask you or anyone in here to testify against or for Mr Rivera, simply because we know nothing else but what Mr Rivera told us through PRs)) was instructed by the management to start deleting all posts related to USSE because simply they have nothing good to tell us about our lost money and they have no plan to compenstate us. JR himself visited the board today and he could have eased our mind by just saying "Everything will be ok". Nothing else. This would have been fine with me for now and we could have turned page and focus on SSTP.
Mr John Rivera, who tells me that the same thing won't happen with our SSTP investment? Why can't you just post here since you refuse to issue a PR with the USSE name on it and tell us a couple of encouraging words without revealing any inside information or your defence line. Or do you think we should wait until 2010 (or who knows when) when the SEC mess settles down and confirm the death of our beloved USSE?
As David put it, it's not Russia here. We live in a free country and everyone can talk about anything on a message board. So don't try to scare us and keep our moutrh shut.
And if you think I am the "naughty boy" in here I would appreciate a PM which I will definately not reveal it to anyone else, if you want to ease my mind like that. After all, my $80,000 loss deserve it. But I will take your no-responce as a negative vibe altogether and this will make me take further actions against you and my investement. After all, you had a few private words with a couple of individuals in here who respected you and they never told anything to the entire community. I remebre I aske one guy in here who visited Baytown recently if he sees USSE following SSTP in success and he told me "no". I got scared but I couldn't imagine that I was talking about a dead company, dead since last may! What in the world wre we buying in June and in Julu and in August and in September and in October and in November and in December and this past january? Something that didn't even exist? Then may be the SEC IS right?

It's not "Shut up and swim" guys. They threw us in the deep waters and they ask us to shut up now.. Well... I personaly want a word from the captain on that matter.
And if someone thinks that I shouldn't talk about USSE he can ban me. There are plenty of boards to find shellter and express our concerns.
So don't tell us you are tired or busy Mr Rivera. I am too. And I run a multimillion dollar company succesfully, but I find the time to ask a few questions and give some answers in here... Please don't make me take your silence as a way to avoid the situation. The fact that you log on here almost every day proves to us that you do care about this community and what we talk about. You do care about the structure of your company which is definately your shareholders who undoubtly are here to make money but also gave you their money to get where you are today.
This is not a personal attack to John Rivera. It is an invitation for a talk to ease our mind that HE WILL TAKE CARE OF HIS MOST LOYAL SHAREHOLDERS. Those who were there at his first steps.
I guarantee an uptick on pps if JR responds to this concern or a crash next week if he refuses to respond. There are a lot of shares which are waiting to be held, sold or bought depending on his actions here. His answer doesn't really matter. What matters is to re-establish his dignity and sincerity to us. I'd personally rather not see our CEO or Chairman talking to a bunch of anonymous people on a message board in the internet. But since he chose to do so in the past it is the most appropriate think to repeat it again, unless he wants to issue an official PR for us with the problem.
And nobody can accuse me for a basher in here. A pumper may be, but not a basher.
Thank you for your understanding and coperation.