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02/07/09 12:17 PM

#21721 RE: Donshub2 #21720

From the Sovereign Society Offshore Letter....

****Rogue comment....I'm heard some disturbing comments from a 30 year old ex US Army sergeant and decorated Iraqi war veteran. He feels there is a move afoot to actually have a ground war in this country on this issue in the near future. A modern day "Civil War" to be exact.
Startling stuff....not sure what to make of his fears(are they legitimate??) but I'll keep everyone posted on anything new I hear on the matter. He wants "no part of it" and feels it will ultimately be a disaster and complete bloodbath.****

States’ Rights Revived?

Dear A-Letter Reader,

This week, various state legislatures introduced bills intended to revive one of the most important gifts left to us by our forefathers…state sovereignty.

No, you won’t hear about this on CNBC or Fox News. In fact, we just got word of it a few hours ago. All the way from Hawaii to New Hampshire…Georgia and California, nine states have so far introduced bills that would reaffirm state sovereignty as laid out in the ninth and tenth amendments to the constitution.

Now – like I said – we just heard about this news ourselves. And we haven’t had enough time to really decide what it all means…but there is some strong wording in a few of these bills, to say the very least…

This from Arizona’s bill, “…if the President or any other federal entity attempts to institute martial law or its equivalent without an official declaration in one or more of the states without the consent of that state … individual members of the military return to their respective states and report to the Governor until a new President is elected…” [emphasis added]

We’ll stay on top of this one and update you next week.
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02/07/09 2:18 PM

#21729 RE: Donshub2 #21720

Come on Texas. You have the legal right and I never thought I would support it but this country has lost it's soul! Ron Paul In charge of the treasury. Well bring that Sherriff from Arizona to run our immigration policy and jail system. Drill baby drill. I would like to partner with Alaska, we might even allow Oklahoma to join our union. New Mexico sorry. Bill Richardson can figure it out. The rest of the country can continue down the path to totalitarian dictatorial rule with an international flare and the march of death towards global governance and centralized power.
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02/07/09 2:20 PM

#21730 RE: Donshub2 #21720

Be careful. KSuave might report you to Homeland Security!